Events Steward - Dumfries & Galloway

What we are looking for:We are seeking ambitious and confident Event Stewards to join our growing team in supporting various high-profile events across the region. You will be responsible for ensuring the safety and security of customers at many different events, providing a high visibility presence.We welcome both SIA License holders and non SIA License Holders, as full training and support will be provided.This position allows flexible working hours. Payrate varies depending on what the event or tasking is but will never be less than £11.44 Main Duties: ·        To deliver the professional greeting of clients and visitors, to the highest standards·        Provide general guidance to the public·        Directing patrons and monitoring crowds·        Ticket checking·        Body and Bag searches if required·        Hospitality duties in licensed areas·        Monitor crowd movements and behaviour to identify potential issues or incidents and to take action to resolve as necessary·        To ensure that the secured zones within the venue remain free of prohibited and restricted itemsWe are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age. We will endeavour to respond to all those who apply. Candidate Requirements: ·        18 Years or over·        Reliable·        Great communication and people skills·        A passion to ensure the safety of others·        Eye for detail with the ability to stay vigilant at all times·        Friendly and approachable·        Good presentation·        Experience working in a similar environment is beneficial, however not a compulsory requirement·        Flexible·        Exceptional Customer Service  In Return we offer:·        Supplementary income·        Full Training in Vigilant’s services and processes·        Uniform provided·        24/7 support via Control Room·        Career progression – Full training and SIA Licence assistance provided·        Flexible working·        Varied work across events, festivals, football games and more About us:We cover a range of security related services including manned guarding, mobile patrols and keyholding throughout the UK. High standards are embedded in the DNA of the company and we pride ourselves on delivering seamless service to our clients.We are Investors in People Gold accredited and believe that we are only as good as the people we employ, so staff welfare, support and development, is an absolute priority for us. We ensure our staff from the outset are given the skills required to be competent and professional ambassadors, for both our and the client’s business.

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