Accommodation Assistants _ Evening TurnDown Assistants

We are currently recruiting for Accommodation Assistants & Evening TurnDown Assistants. The successful candidate will be part of a diverse team delivering and maintaining 5 - star accommodation standards. It is important that our guests are received in a warm friendly and comfortable environment.Overview of the role: We have a number of Full Time and Part Time Positions available, with a working schedule from Monday - Sunday, however due to the nature of our business flexibility is required. Our Accommodation Department are responsible for ensuring that our public areas and guest rooms at Dromoland Castle are serviced and cleaned. The role also requires the ability to manage and maintain adequate stock in accommodation trolley and ensure that there is a high level of security throughout the Hotel. The Ideal Candidate: ·        Previous experience in accommodation preferably at 4 or 5 star level.·       Excellent attention to detail.·        Must be well organised and have a high level of service standards and ability to work under pressure.·        Have a friendly, chatty and outgoing personality.  Motivations:Excellent benefits package with the role including but not limited to:Free Leisure Centre AccessPension Scheme after 6 monthsSick Pay after 6 monthsWellness ProgrammeCompetitive Salary     Terms & Conditions apply

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