Evening Housekeeping Assistant

Job descriptionJob description - Housekeeping Assistant AssistantsAvailabilityThe ideal candidate should be available to evening shifts including midweek & Weekends.Evening Shifts 12pm -8 pmMain purpose of the job:To ensure the smooth and efficient cleaning and servicing of the premises – its rooms, bathrooms, corridors, public areas and toilets, presenting a clean fresh environment to approved standard for the guests; in laundry work, to ensure the cleaning and laundering of all hotel linen to a suitable standard.Main duties· To report for duty on time and in the correct uniform,· To service the laundry allocated to you each day to the appropriate standard; if on housekeeping duty, to service the bedrooms allocated to you to the appropriate standard.· To carry out any additional duties notified to you by management concerning accommodation services and general cleaning projects.· To hand in all lost property at the end of the day and to notify management immediately of any theft from rooms.· To carry out our customer relations policy (as displayed on staff notice board and in back office) with discretion and with particular respect to the privacy of guests, their business and their belongings whilst resident in the hotel· To communicate our services and facilities to guests as required· To deal with any customer complaints in a professional manner and to notify management of these· To ensure that the guests needs and requirements are met· To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming· To ensure that all reasonable care is taken for the health and safety of yourself, other employees, guests and any other persons on the premises· To carry out fire drills· To observe all safety procedures and rules· To report and where possible take action on incidents of accident or damage· To attend all training courses as notified to you by managementJob Types: Full-time, Part-timePay: €12.70-€13.50 per hourExpected hours: 24-32 hours per week Schedule:10 hour shift8 hour shiftWork authorisation:Ireland (required)Work Location: In person

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