Accommodation Supervisor

Join us in writing the next chapter of the Carton House story. There has never been a more exciting time to embark on a career with us. Carton House is the first and only member of the Fairmont Hotel and Resorts brand in Ireland, one of the worlds most storied hotel brands.We invite you to join us in writing the next chapter of the Carton House story. We want to meet people with a passion for service, innovation and going the extra mile for both our guests and colleagues. In doing so, we offer a workplace that puts excellence and innovation at the forefront while championing a diverse and inclusive team.We currently recruiting an Evening Accommodation Supervisor to join our team at Carton House.Key Responsibilities:Present a professional appearance and ensure all guests receive a genuine courteous welcome on arrival/ departure.Provide Spotlessly clean bedrooms & public areas for all guests.Handle and store chemicals in line with COSHH regulations.Ensure all floors, carpets, tiles and corridors are cleaned to a required standard.Ensure weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning is carried out as requested.To anticipate guests needs whenever possible in order to enhance quality of service and exceed clients expectations.To assist in positively promoting service / products within the Resort and maximize every sales opportunity.Continually aim to improve our guests experience, ensure our highest levels of customer satisfaction.The successful candidate will:Excellent people skills, confident in problem solving and decision making.Passion, energy, enthusiasm, initiative.A good understanding of hotel and the department operation.Excellent communication skills with excellent spoken & written English.Previous experience in a similar role is essential.Flexibility of working hours is required in this position.Good computer skills and strong knowledge on Opera system.High attention to detail.Why work for Carton House?Strong team focus and team atmosphere.Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor Hotels worldwide.Learning and development opportunities. Meals and uniform are provided.Free parking.Team-building and social events organised throughout the year in line with our successful Awards and Recognition Scheme.Training is provided both on-the-job and through organised training seminars with both internal and external trainers.

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