
Glenevin Ltd has been developing and maintaining infrastructure across the UK since our formation in 2013. We specialise in Utilities (Power, Telecoms, etc), Civil Engineering, Traffic Management, and infrastructure. We have grown our business on a foundation of expertise, teamwork, and excellent customer service.Due to new partnerships, exciting opportunities have arisen for an Estimator (Telecoms, Construction and Electrical) based in our Livingston headquarters.As an Estimator (Telecoms, Construction and Electrical), you will be an essential member of our Bid Team and will contribute your expertise by providing day-to-day estimating support with an emphasis on delivering excellence. Communication and understanding client requirements are a key aspect of this role acting as liaison with internal and external stakeholders. You must be a resident in the UK at the time of this advertisement and hold necessary paperwork to prove this.As an Estimator (Telecoms, Construction and Electrical) you will be responsible for:Unprecedented knowledge regarding all facets of the construction industry.Thorough knowledge and understanding of construction drawings, specifications, schedules, and means and methods.Problem Solving Skills: Good judgment, analytical and problem solving skills. Ability to make logical decisions.Travel is required and therefore must have a valid driver’s license and no infractions.Demonstrate good interpersonal skills, be able to relate well with various personality types, and to be approachable.Ability to work under minimal supervision.Strong organizing skills and aptitude.DutiesEvaluate site access and conditions and propose production levels for proposalsMake site visits as needed to confirm scope of workFor proposals won, hand off project and proposal to Operations Team for successful project completion.Provide competitive bids that result in profitable contracts.Responsible for all aspects of estimating including pre-construction, hard bids, negotiated bids, budgets, general conditions, value engineering, and subcontractor bidding.Review project drawings and specifications to determine scope of work.Attend pre-bid meetings and project locations.Prepare quantity take off.Identify labour, equipment and material requirements.Determine production rates.Prepare project cost estimate which utilizes company labour and equipment cost information.Solicit multiple quotes to be used to select the most suitable offer and coordinate subcontractors and suppliers for labour, materials and equipment. Essential:·      Excellent IT skills, Excel, PowerPoint·      Excellent communication skills both with internal and external stakeholders What’s in it for you:·      30 days annual leave (inclusive of recognised public holidays)·      Company pension As an equal opportunities employer, Glenevin Construction Ltd is committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and does not condone discrimination on the basis of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We aspire to have a diverse and inclusive workplace and strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to apply and join Glenevin LtdHealth, Safety & Environment: To promote positive culture and continuous improvements in the business management system all employees are required to adhere to Health & Safety, Environmental policies and standard operating procedures to ensure that best practice is met by both them and by their colleagues.  Quality: All employees are expected to work within the systems, processes and procedures outlined within the department and / or company handbooks or software platforms or training manuals. Information Security: All employees are expected to work in compliance with the company’s Information Security policy and procedures; and be vigilant against malware and cyber-attacks when conducting any transferring of company knowledge or business.   Conduct: All employees are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with company values, policies and codes of conduct outlined in the company’s policies and employee handbook. Flexibility: A reasonable degree of flexibility is required from all employees to meet the needs of the role and responsibilities of the department and the wider business.  

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