ESG and Transformation - Finance Manager

Aurivo Co-op is a large multi-purpose co-operative engaged in a wide range of activities including dairy processing, liquid milk distribution, animal feed milling, retail stores, e-commerce, garden centres, livestock marketing and sports nutrition. In Aurivo our values define how we operate, employing over 700 people directly and providing employment for many others in wide range of activities including transport and distribution.  OpportunityAn exciting opportunity has arisen in Aurivo’s finance team for Finance Manager who will work with the wider finance team and Business Unit leadership teams in two key areas, driving the Group’s business optimisation objectives and also developing the Groups ESG reporting requirements. This role will report to the CFO and will be key to identifying and supporting continuous improvement of systems and processes across the Group.Key ResponsibilitiesProviding leadership in the development, implementation and continuous improvement of systems and processes across finance and the wider organisationFinance support for all digitalisation projects across the business including ERPLiaising with operational colleagues on ensuring change impact is managed appropriatelyWorking with the Aurivo sustainability team:To develop and lead Aurivo’s internal ESG reporting processes to support business decision making and to drive improvementEnsure compliance with ESG regulatory requirements including CSRDSupport in development of robust systems, processes and tools for sustainability data collection and analysisEnsure required internal controls and clear audit trail are in place in relation to ESG reportingOther developmental and value added projects as they arise The ideal candidateQualified accountant with 5 - 7 years post qualified experience in a fast-growing business, ideally in Food or Agri-trade.Excellent communication and project management skillsStrong IT proficiencySignificant prior experience in finance process optimisation and automationAn ability to identify areas for improvement and best in class practiceAn ability to identify and lead development, implementation and continuous improvement of projects systems, initiatives and processes.Experience in the management of changeA leader with a driven personality, strong team ethic, ability to lead and inspire others.

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