Staff Nurse – Emergency Department

Job Title: Staff Nurse – Emergency DepartmentReports: Clinical Nurse Manager (CNM)Accountable: Director of Nursing Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics.Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. ROLE PURPOSE·      The role is responsible for the provision of quality service in line with standards of Emergency Department nursing practice. As a key member of the frontline team, the Staff Nurse in the Emergency Department will demonstrate strong clinical skills and facilitate effective communication with colleagues in the hospital. The position requires a collaborative and supportive approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the implementation of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives.·      You must practice within the Codes of Practice, Rules and Guidelines set out by the Nursing and Midwifery board of Ireland (NMBI) and comply with the policies and procedures of Blackrock Clinic.·      Personally and professionally, you are accountable to the patient. You are personally accountable for your own actions at all times. QUALIFICATIONS·      Registered in the general division of NMBI·      Evidence of personal professional development·      Ongoing skills training – relevant to care required for patient case load·      Have at least three years recent relevant post-registration nursing experience (full-time or equivalent hours part-time) in an acute hospital setting with at least one years’ Emergency Department nursing experience. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1. Assessment, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation1.1 Utilising assessment skills and techniques to determine patient needs on admission.1.2 Documenting nursing admission assessment thoroughly and accurately.1.3 Continually assess patient condition.1.4 Clearly identify patient problems for which nursing care will be given.1.5 Develop and document a care plan based on patient needs and best practice.1.6 Update the written or computerised care plan.1.7 Develop appropriate and individualised patient education and discharge planning and utiliseavailable ward resources for same.1.8 Collaborate with other health care team members within the defined clinical area inaccordance with the patient care plan.1.9 Develop discharge criteria from time of admission.1.10 Plan work to allow time for training, meetings etc.1.11 Provide safe, comprehensive nursing based on current standards and research, performprocedures according to established policy and procedures.1.12 Administer the developed care plan in a consistent and flexible manner.1.13 Fulfil prescribed orders completely and accurately.1.14 Provide care with minimal supervision in a timely accurate and safe manner.1.15 Maintain a safe environment for patients, visitors and colleagues.1.16 Advocate as necessary for the patients, respecting their dignity and confidentiality1.17 Function effectively in an emergency situation.1.18 Adapt to changing workloads.1.19 Know and practice within legal requirements including those set down by NMBI1.20 Evaluate and update care plans appropriately.1.21 Evaluate personal nursing practice as compared to standards of care and know own abilityand competence.1.22 Participate in quality assurance by assisting to identify recurrent nursing problems andcooperate in data collection and problem solving.1.23 You must comply with all hospital policy’s in relation to Infection Prevention and Control.Every employee has a responsibility to know how to reduce infection in their role.1.24 Promoting the safety, health, welfare and social wellbeing of patients and respect the dignityand confidentiality of patients and their families; 1.25 Maintaining appropriate and accuratewritten/electronic nursing and midwifery records and care plans regarding patient care inaccordance with local/national/professional guidelines;1.26 Taking responsibility for own competency and learning and development needs and activelycontribute to the learning and development of the wider nursing and primary care team1.27 Co-operating with the introduction of ICT systems, utilise and analyse the data and adoptingthe use of new systems in line with policies and procedures.1.28 Ensuring that records are protected and managed as per Blackrock Clinic’s policy and inaccordance with relevant legislation1.29 Working closely with colleagues across the hospital in order to provide a seamless servicedelivery to the patients1.30 Evidence of participation in audit and evaluation of care provision including collection ofquality care metrics where same are in place. 2. Communication Skills2.1 Maintain documents according to the policies and procedures of Blackrock Clinic.2.2 Update documents to observe physical and emotional symptoms and changes.2.3 Report relevant information verbally and in writing to appropriate nursing personnel.2.4 Respond appropriately to patient/family requests and questions.2.5 Communicate appropriate with colleagues and other members of the health care team.2.6 Recognise self-limitations and seek assistance.2.7 Attend and contribute in staff meetings and team briefing.2.8 Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undueanxiety. 3. Professional Expectations3.1 Function within the limits of NMBI and hospital policies, procedures and standards.3.2 Support the Mission Statement of Blackrock Clinic.3.3 Observe appropriate lines of authority.3.4 Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in other areas of the hospital as required.3.5 Set annual goals and objectives with CNM. Staff Nurse3.6 Continue to develop personal knowledge and skills.3.7 Seek and take education opportunities in addition to those provided by the hospital.3.8 Provide direct supervision to other members of the nursing team when appropriate.3.9 Participate in working groups to develop and promote quality care within Blackrock Clinic.3.10 Participate in the education of learners and assist with the orientation of new personnel.3.11 Present a professional appearance and be punctual.3.12 Accept responsibility for “Acting Up” in specific instances, as assigned.3.13 Comply with and adhere to all relevant policies and procedures Why work at the Blackrock Clinic?At the Blackrock Clinic, we are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the team you can benefit from:  • Competitive salary• Onsite parking• Pension• Annual bonus*• Discounted café• Sports and Social club• Employee Assistance Programme• Discounted onsite pharmacy Please Note:Job descriptions are a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer, and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. You can contact us at It is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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