Engineering Supervisor, Buckie

Role: Engineering SupervisorLocation: March Road, BuckieShift Pattern: Monday to Friday – full-time (flexibility required)Rate of Pay: An attractive and negotiable package will be available. Role Overview:We are seeking a skilled and experienced Engineering Supervisor to join our team at March Road, Buckie. In this role, you will play a crucial part in maintaining and enhancing the provision of engineering support to our production lines, ensuring equipment reliability and optimal functionality. The successful candidate will supervise team members' training and development at both Buckie sites(March Road and Low Street), stay abreast of changing legislation, new machinery, and conduct regular performance reviews.Duties will include although not limited to:·      Leading and supervising a small engineering team to ensure seamless operations.·      Conducting wiring installations ranging from 230 – 400 V·      Maintaining and updating maintenance strategies, procedures, and methods.·      Executing routine scheduled maintenance and responding to equipment faults.·      Diagnosing breakdown problems and implementing effective solutions·      Performing quality inspections on maintenance work·      Handling emergencies, unplanned problems, and repairs·      Contributing to the improvement of health and safety policies and procedures·      Developing maintenance strategies to guide installation and commissioning procedures.·      Ensuring continuous coverage of machinery and equipment to address breakdowns.·      Servicing and repairing equipment, addressing mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or computerized systems. Qualifications, Skills & Experience:·      Previous experience in a similar role·      Possession of an 18th edition qualification or equivalent·      Excellent written and verbal communication skills·      Strong organisational skills with attention to detail·      Ability to seamlessly integrate into a food production environment and contribute effectively to the team.·      Flexibility to work across different areas of the business and adaptable working hours.·      Computer literacy, with a strong understanding of Microsoft Office applications.Working Hours/Flexibility:The contractual working hours will be Monday to Friday, with flexibility in start and finish times to accommodate project requirements and deadlines. To apply, please submit your CV and a brief covering letter outlining your relevant experience and qualifications to

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