Assistant Engineering Nights Manager

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP`s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.Our customers are the major multiples and high profile caterers and require the best 365 days of the year. That means central packing and sophisticated distribution, a revolutionary supply chain in the industry which is being led and developed by ABP. Only well-resourced companies can compete for such business.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Shift Pattern: 4-on-4-off nights Hours of Work: 18:00 - 06:00Engineering custodian on nightsSenior member of the teamWork closely with night shift production manager Manage planned and reactive maintenanceManaging the on-shift team of engineersKey responsibilities:Communicate proactive planned preventative maintenance to the Shift Engineering Supervisors and ensuring they have a sound understanding of standards to be achieved.Attend and report any relevant issues at the daily maintenance meetings, suggesting improvements and chairing meetings to ensure all the Engineering Shift Supervisors understand the action to be taken on the issues that are raised as a consequence.Regular monitor and evaluate current systems and procedures, identifying areas for improvement and make recommendations for change.Understanding departmental constraints and using own initiative to take corrective action Managing and addressing issues pertaining to absenteeism/sickness/holidays and clocking’s, using discretion and appropriate action, adhering to company policies and procedures. Responsible for the training and development of Shift Supervisors to meet the demands of the business ensuring that high quality and service levels are maintained, that profitability and productivity is increased and that waste/cost is minimised.Managing and controlling problems with machinery, team members and resources, ensuring that correct working procedures and policies are followed. Liaising with the appropriate supporting departments: Human Resources, Training, QA and Health & Safety to ensure that employee and product issues are dealt with correctly and efficiently.Managing/assessing and monitoring departmental manning levels, using initiative to take the appropriate action for necessary change.Personal specification:HNC/HND or Equivalent in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. IT Literate.Strong Microsoft Excel skills.Excellent Communication Skills.Proven experience in managing a team. A clear and strong idea of how to drive continuous improvement across the factory.Effective execution Experience in FMCG Experience in assisting with the management of capital investment projects.Familiarity with modern maintenance and manufacturing methodologies inc. PPM/TPM.Resilient and customer focusedSafety first

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