Engineering Graduate - Northern Ireland

ABP is one of Europe’s leading beef processors. We have built our success on entrepreneurship, technological investment and a deep knowledge of the sectors in which we operate. As key stakeholders in the integrity of the food supply chain we are focused on ensuring the full traceability of our products.  Our core business – ABP Beef – is supported by its renewable, pet food and protein divisions, which combine to ensure the value of by-products is maximized and the environmental impact of the business and our customers is minimized. Our company has doubled the size of its business in the past 10 years and continues to seek additional growth opportunities through organic initiatives and potential acquisitions.   Opportunity DetailsThis engineering programme will give you opportunity to work with advanced food processing machinery with all the demands of a fast paced environment. You will work alongside highly skilled engineers striving to attain engineering excellence whilst eliminating waste and reducing costs. You will build on your current knowledge gained in your engineering degree and / or apprenticeship to continuously improve processes to exceed customer expectations. This is a factory-based role with opportunity for managerial experience from a very early stage. You will take on responsibility and real time challenges through dynamic projects and people management. You will need a “can do attitude” and a passion for engineering. A positive approach will be essential along with excellent problem solving skills and an abundance of drive and determination. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a dynamic and vibrant team in an all-encompassing training program!     Knowledge & ExperienceWe are looking for a candidate that has an Electrical, Mechanical or Process Engineering degree. We also want someone who is: ·      Passionate about food and has an appreciation for the complexities that come with a career in food ·      Has strong problem-solving skills·      An inquisitive nature·      An interest in new technologies·      Adaptable to change·      Highly computer literate·      Flexible and willing to travel within Ireland and the UK·      Holds a full UK driving licence

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