Engineering Projects Expression of Interest - Nordic Region & Germany

Due to rapid expansion in the Nordic region, Suir Engineering Ltd. have a number of exciting opportunities in the below positions:Project DirectorProject ManagersSenior Electrical EngineersSenior EHS AdvisorsIn return from Suir:25 days annual leaveOverseas allowancePaid AccommodationPaid Rental CarFlights homeEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeEducational Assistance and CPDOpportunity to become part of great team and work on large scale projectsOur way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.

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