Junior Sales Representative

Prepay Power is Ireland’s leading prepay service provider and we are currently looking for a dynamic sales team to grow within the business. Full training provided with continuous development and progression opportunities.  What we will offer you:·      Annual salary of €26000 - paid weeklyOn target earnings - €45000+·      Commission paid weekly – avg. between €400 - €1000. ·      Annual Lunch allowance of €2,080 - paid weekly.·      Refer a friend scheme, earn €1,000 per referral.·      Working week is Monday to Friday, only work weekends if you want to.·      Working Hours 11am to 8pm·      21 days Annual Leave, increasing by 1 day per year of service.·      Staff discount on all Prepay Power products.What you will need:·      Good communication skills·      A can-do attitude.·      A willingness to learn and develop your skills.·      Your own vehicle is an advantage but not necessity, carpooling available in certain areas.Your Role:·      Cold calling to residential customers in an assigned area.·      Selling Prepay Powers products and services to customers to support their needs.·      Training yourself to be the best ·      Sales targets ·      Making commission weekly   

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