Employment Support Specialist

Our Dublin Branch of Down Syndrome Ireland have an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and highly-motivated individual to join our team as an Employment Support Specialist and to play a key role in supporting our adult members with Down syndrome achieve and sustain work placement/paid employment over the coming twelve months.You will be part of a nationwide team of Employment Support Team who have supported 238 of our members gain meaningful employment across the country and we want that number to continue to rise!As part of your role, you will build relationships with new and existing companies in the Dublin region and promote the employment opportunities of People with Down Syndrome. For members in employment, you will work alongside them and their employer to support them in their role, with the support of our National Office Employment Team.Objective of the role:Drive a person-centered approach to support participants to access work opportunities and sustained employment.Provide support to employers to ensure successful outcomes from work placement.Engage effectively with individuals, parents, carers and employers in a professional manner to ensure that optimum opportunities and outcomes can be achieved by the participants.Assist individuals in finding suitable job opportunities while providing a professional service to job seekers and employersResponsibilities of the role:Develop a profile for each participant based on their interest, capabilities, experience and needs to develop a positive working relationship with them.Establish a comprehensive understanding of available job roles/work opportunities for participants and help match them to appropriate placements, taking full account of both participant and employer needs.Develop a network of suitable employers who will offer work opportunities (work experience, job placements, training, internships, volunteering), liaising with them, providing pre-employment training for them and supporting them as needed during delivery of the placement.Organise work placement/training programme in conjunction with DSI Head of Employment and relevant employer.Conduct an assessment of the potential work placement, ensuring safeguarding of the individual is paramount and a key component of the work placement.Work professionally and sensitively with key stakeholders to ensure that all participants are safe, feel safe and are listened to with any concerns.Conduct a task analysis prior to job commencement and deliver pre-placement training.Following successful training/work placement, negotiate with the employer on the terms of employment.Support participants on a day-to-day basis in their work placements (on a reducing phased basis).Work professionally and collaboratively with the established employment team in the National Office of Down Syndrome Ireland and Dublin Branch.Keep up to date on relevant policies and programmes relevant to the employment of adults with Down syndrome.Assist with the completion of necessary paperwork including evaluations, reports and documentation. This includes the maintenance of robust record keeping procedures in compliance with relevant Data Protection and Confidentiality requirements (GDPR).Commit to ongoing professional development.Conduct any other duties in line with the main objectives set out above as required.Experience Required:Have a proven track record in supporting individuals with a disability in community-based settings.Have the ability to motivate and assist adults with DS to access, secure and maintain employment in the open employment market.Have experience in advocating for adults with DS or other intellectual disabilities and the ability to foster relationships with employers across Dublin.Have strong teamworking skills and the ability to work under the direction of Dublin Branch and/or work on own initiative.Hold certified qualification in the field of Disability/Social Care/Health Care/Mental Health Care.Be available to undergo the Garda Vetting process and procedures.Be the holder of a full clean driving license and have access to a car.The successful candidate to demonstrate experience and initiative in using practical skills to support the person to participate in the local wider community.The successful candidate to demonstrate a commitment to the principle of inclusion of the person and rights of the person being upheld.Hours of work and locationThe role will initially be a one year fixed term, part time contract, working 20 hours per week with flexibility required to support members and engage with companies. This role will be based in our National Office, Ballymount Dublin 12, with regular travel required.Benefits:Flexible working arrangementsHybrid workingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeAdditional Annual LeaveCompany Sick Pay SchemeAdditional Company/Discretionary DaysSalary will be pro rata based on contracted hours

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