Electrophysiology Clinical Research (Cardiology) Fellow

Electrophysiology Clinical Research (Cardiology) FellowLocated in South Dublin, Beacon Hospital is one of the most advanced hospitals in Europe with 181 inpatients beds 70 day-case beds, 8 operating theatres, 3 Cath labs, 4 endoscopy suites and over 1600 healthcare professionals and upwards of 300 consultants. Beacon Hospital operates as a full-service acute hospital providing 24hour, world class acute services, including orthopaedics, cardiology, women’s health, urology, vascular surgery, ENT neurology, general surgery, cancer care and emergency medicine. Click to read more about - Cardiology - Beacon HospitalFellowship OverviewThis is an Electrophysiology Clinical Research Fellowship which will allow the successful candidate to gain procedural training in cardiac catheterization lab assisting and under supervision performing a range of procedures from pulmonary vein ablation to leadless pacemakers. The service also provides a high volume of complex device extractions. The fellowship comprises of 80% clinical component and 20 % research and education. The fellow’s research will build on the work and databases of Prof Jonathan Lyne.The Fellow is expected to present their research at two national and two international conferences every six months and to publish four research papers by the end of the Fellowship.Clinical component The Fellow is given graduated responsibility so that at the end of the program, is competent to commence work as an independent electrophysiology specialist. The Fellow will receive extensive training in the following:·        Pulmonary vein ablation·        Leadless pacemakers,·        Complex device extractionThe Fellow will also provide for the care of Cardiology EP patients through·        Admission assessment·        Post procedure ward round and documentation·        On call review of complex patients·        Work with wider Multi-disciplinary team to optimise patient outcomes.Research component·        Registered Investigator of Clinical Trials·        Engage with Beacon Hospital Research Institute (BHRI) on trial design·        Prepare ethics submissions as required for National Research Ethics Committee, HPRA and Beacon Hospital Research Ethics Committee·        Perform research following the principles of Good Clinical Practice.·        Trial administration and management of databases·        Recruitment of patients.·        Support and develop research ideas among the wider members of the EP team·        ·Attendance and presentation at quarterly BHRI meetings.Education component·        Promote education on EP to the Non-consultant hospital doctors and multi-disciplinary team members.·        In conjunction with UCD Beacon Academy provide education and teaching to undergraduate medical students and interns –through classroom based tutorials, ward rounds, teaching during procedures, and participation in masterclasses and Grand Rounds. Fellowship Program Goals and Learning Objectives:·        Achieve an in-depth understanding of the indications for Electrophysiology interventions·        Gain competence in Electrophysiology procedures under expert supervisionResources Available to the Fellow:The Fellow will have access to the UCD Beacon Hospital Academy, UCD Library Services and Beacon Hospital Research InstituteApplication RequirementsThe minimum training requirements required to apply for this Fellowship include:·        MB BCH - Medical Degree·        Commenced or completed Higher Specialist Training·        International Candidates must have achieved a minimal score of 7 on the International English Language Testing System·        All candidates must have current IMC registrationBeacon Hospital is an equal opportunity employer; we ensure that our practices support a diverse and inclusive environment for all present and future employees

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