Electricians (Qualified)

Suretank established in 1995, manufactures equipment for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. We also design and manufacture prefabricated and modular units as an alternative to traditional on-site building structures for housing power, data, communication and fuel delivery equipment, process vessels and pressure vessels for sectors including life science & pharmaceutical and food/beverage.Due to our continued expansion, we are currently seeking to recruit qualified electricians to join our expanding team. The successful candidates will be disciplined and highly motivated Electricians. Working closely with the Electrical team, Electrical Engineer and Operations team to ensure an efficient running of the Electrical Fit-Out of modular solutions and Switch Gear. Duties & Responsibilities: Assist with the monitor testing and inspection of materials and products to ensure finished quality product. Be competent in all aspects of containment, fault finding, trouble shootings and strong knowledge of reading schematics Assist in providing a safe working environment for all staff and operatives who enter the workshop. Assist with the document management systems for ISO 9001 (Quality) and 18001 (OHSA).Key Competencies / Requirements: National Craft CertificateExcellent attention to detail and a results driven approach Outstanding communication skills, verbal and written Reliable and trustworthyExcellent organisational and leadership skillsMeticulous approach to workAbility to interact and communicate effectively with a wide range of people/contractors Positive attitude Ability to work and maintain deadlinesFor more information about Suretank and career opportunities available view our webpage www.suretank.com  or contact HR on (041) 686-2022 ext 202.

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