
We have an exciting opportunity available for a dynamic and experienced Electrician. The position will be based in the Galway / Sligo area and will cover other regions as required.Responsibilities;The role will primarily involve preventative and reactive work in the water and wastewater industry.Calibration/servicing of on-site instrumentation monitoring equipment (such as pH, Dissolved Oxygen Probes etc)Motor & Instrumentation signal verification to Motor Control Centres and PLC including control function verification.Ability to follow Control panel schematics and trouble shoot control panel faults.Install, wire, commission and set up configuration of full range of variable speed drives, DOL, star delta starters, etc.Liaise with Project Supervisors & Managers on electrical solutions and site implementation of same.Completion of daily reports and H&S forms as required for day to day works on sitesSkills / Attributes;A minimum of 3 – 5 year’s experience within Water or Waste Water treatment industry Instrumentation experience with water monitoring equipment.Technical knowledge of 3 phase motors, pumps, dosing pumps and associated instrumentation Fault finding in generalWorking with pumps, motors, dosing equipment (including pumps & controllers), control panels, instrumentsFamiliarity with PLC’s, automation and telemetry would also be an advantage. Proven ability to service, maintain & fault find electrical issues including verification of signals back to PLC for inputs and outputs as required for plant control functionsFamiliarity with Treatment process’s being utilised in the water and wastewater industry.Good computer skill’s.Education Requirements;Electrical Engineering/Instrumentation Registration with Safe Electric as a QC would be an advantageAdditional Requirements:Full clean driving licence SafepassConfined space training desirable. 

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