Electrician Chargehand

Electrician – ChargehandPermanent Contract, Full Time Hours.(Under the Governance of Mercy University Hospital Cork CLG.)The Electrical Chargehand is an essential member of the Technical Services Team. Their role is to provide an efficient administrative service to the Technical Services Dept. They must communicate effectively with all departments within the hospital as well as external parties. This post reports to the Engineering Officer of designated officer.Responsibilities:Report to the Engineering officer or designated officer and carry out such duties as are delegated to him/her.Supervise staff assigned to him/her and assist in the planning, supervision and control of work programs; including the supervision of the time keeping, attendance, productivity and the quality of work and competency of electrical staff under his/her control.Operate and maintain the electrical services in Mercy University Hospital in accordance with National and European regulations and best practice.Carry out electrical installation, maintenance, testing and recording works, as required.Implement a preventative maintenance program for the electrical services.Assist with the development of management systems for the performance of maintenance on the electrical services, incorporating best practice and quality control procedures.Eligibility Criteria:Eligible applicants will be those who on the closing date for the competition have the following:Professional Qualifications, Experience, etc. Possess a QQI Level 6 (or higher) Advanced Certificate Craft – Electrical (or equivalent qualification), OR possess the National Craft Certificate issued by FETAC, OR possess the Senior Trade Certificate issued by the Department of Education, OR possess a Level 3 Technical/Trade qualification or equivalent issued by City & Guilds, London.Possess the requisite technical knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability for the proper discharge of the role.Have 2 years satisfactory post apprenticeship experience of maintaining industrial, commercial and domestic type buildings in a similar setting.Closing Date for Applications is 1pm on Friday, 24th January 2025.MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.Mercy University Hospital (MUH):MUH is a growing voluntary hospital in the heart of Cork City. We have over 1,500 staff providing complex diagnostic, medical and surgical care through our inpatient, day patient, outpatient and emergency services. We are a teaching hospital, a centre of national and international excellence, and are renowned for our research and tertiary services. Providing 24/7 acute surgical, acute medical and critical care, MUH now has multiple sites across the city and continues to expand. We support staff development with approx. 100 promotions annually. We prioritise work life balance with 28% of our team working part time hours. We offer nationally agreed enhanced Salary Scales, Pension Scheme, excellent holidays, canteen, and Study Leave and Assistance. From Cardiac Care to Intensive Care, our varied specialist services offer real career choice to our team. We live by our Core Values of Compassion, Excellence, Justice, Respect and Team Spirit.

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