
Are you looking to further your career with a growing and dynamic engineering company?Rockwell are hiring Industrial Electricians to join our teams in Longford & Athlone.Reporting to the Electrical Construction Manager, you will work on and contribute to our key projects. This role would suit Electricians or E+I Technicians who are looking for a permanent role with a company that can provide stable long-term work in a safety orientated environment.Duties and Responsibilities:Working as part of a team to complete Electrical and Instrumentation projects.Adhere to safety standards and I.S. 10101 National Rules for Electrical Installations regulations to ensure a safe working environment.Assemble, install, test, and maintain electrical wiring, equipment, appliances, and fixtures, using hand and power tools.Electrical installation work includes but not limited to, Cable Containment, Cable Pulling, Glanding, Terminating, Earthing, Light and Power Systems.Making decisions based on technical drawings and documents.RequirementsMinimum Level 6 of the QQI Certificate in Electrical Craft Practice or equivalentDemonstrable a high level of technical knowledge with practical application.Experience in Industrial and Pharmaceutical projects is desirable.Why join Rockwell?You will have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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