Electrical Maintenance Technician

Blackrock Health- Galway Clinic, are now looking to recruit for the position of Electrical Maintenance Technician. The candidate will contribute to the effective and efficient Operations and Maintenance of Galway Clinic Facility Services. Reporting to the Engineering Manager. This is a Permanent Full Time Role, 37 Hrs per week.The Role: Provide Electrical expertise to the Galway Clinic Engineering Manager and assist the other team members when necessary.Act as part of general emergency response team and out of hours on call emergency response team as required.Act as part of Fire Emergency Response Team as required.Respond to reported Facilities defects as member of the Engineering Emergency Call Out Team.Respond to reactive Facility defects and prioritise them as required.Carry out Plant Rounds on all GC Electrical and Mechanical Services, diagnose and rectify the defects as they occur.Carry out reactive and planned preventative maintenance on GC plant and machinery.Record log sheets and prepare technical reports on plant status and condition for submission to Engineering Manager.Isolate and re-instate plant and equipment as required.Carry out Electrical project work as required.Issue “Permits to Work” to contractors and supervise their work.Undertake tasks in other crafts in which competence has been demonstrated.Any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.On call 1 in every 5 weeks.Qualifications & Experience:3rd level qualification in related technical discipline3-5 years’ experience as an Electrical Maintenance Technician in a similar organisation, healthcare an advantageExperience and knowledge on a wide range of different electrical & mechanical systems from emergency lighting, backup generators, fire alarms, AHUs, chillers, boilers and calorifiers to electrical installs and maintenance as well as general building service duties.Knowledge & Skills:Electrical fault finding, maintenance and installationA basic knowledge of mechanical servicesAbility to work alone or as part of a teamGood computer skillsGood communication skillsFamiliarity with health and safety standards   Closing Date for applications: Thursday 6th March 2025 at 16.30pm  Blackrock Health at the Galway Clinic is an equal opportunities employer. 

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