Electrical Estimator

Electrical Estimator Sanford£40-£45,000 + Benefits  About us: We are a fast-growing specialist in connecting businesses to the electricity grid at scale. We are buzzing with opportunity and very much part of the shift to net zero. Your Responsibilities:Completion of tenders and agreeing final bids/submission with your Tendering Manager.Evaluation of tender enquiry documentation received from clients and ensure all relevant/correct information has been provided.Maintain good working relationships with existing clients as well as developing new relationships.Attending Pre-Construction meetings with Operations & Project Management team when bids are successful and PO’s issued.Requesting asset values from our IDNO partners in relation to the scope of the project.Measuring designs using either PDF or google maps to ensuring accurate take offs are recorded.Ensuring internal tendering trackers are kept up to date. Qualifications and skills:Experience of Electrical estimating within the Electrical Utilities/ICP industry.Ability to comprehend electrical specifications/schemes.Ability to manage multiple projects and priorities with competing deadlines.Competent with Microsoft Office applications.Thorough understanding of ICP industry, including DNO and IDNO processes and the benefits or working with IDNO’s.A good understanding of electrical installation principals in both LV & HV works, including substation installations, HV cabling, ducting etc.An understanding of Street works requirements for offsite works/understanding of NRSWA.Bid/tender writing experience. Why work for us?:Excellent career progression opportunities.You will be involved in some first of it’s kind projects for the UK – our business is in the green energy space and we have a number of projects which will be hugely impactful in working towards the governments carbon net zero targets.Pension scheme after qualifying probation period.Regular social and company events.Flexible working options available. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, Flotech, KwikFlow, AMGS,OHES, Public Sewer Services, QEM Solutions and Utility Line.

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