Electrical Engineer

Are you an Electrical Engineer who is looking to be a part of key projects, with a dynamic and progressive engineering company?Rockwell is set for significant growth over the next five years and because of new projects coming on stream, we are seeking an electrical engineer to be based in Cork on a permanent, full-time basis.Duties and Responsibilities:Provide updates to the Project Manager regarding progress, risks, and issues.Evaluate supplier information for consistency with design specifications.Interpret and review schematics, GA plans, and project specifications.Perform design assessments and verify equipment and systems.Submit technical documentation, including RFIs, equipment registers, and trackers.Examine all design documents to identify any scope discrepancies.Conduct on-site quality checks, inspecting systems to ensure they meet project standards Essential Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills Experience:Relevant 3rd Level Electrical Qualification essential.Electrical trade background would be advantageous.Minimum 3-5 years’ experience in a similar role is essential.Experience in the pharma industry would be advantageous Proficiency in using Microsoft Office required.Experience in Revit would be advantageous.Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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