Electrical Director

ABOUT THE ROLE: Responsible for strategically leading and guiding TSG UK’s Charge Departments commercial, design and project teams, you will be the key driver in compiling and delivering an ambitious growth plan, ensuring that the TSG UK brand continues to be recognised and trusted as the leader in electrical mobility and sustainable energy solutions, including EV Charge, Solar and Battery storage. This key appointment welcomes candidates located within commuting distance of one of our offices in Hamilton, Milton Keynes or Loughborough where you will enjoy a flexible hybrid working pattern, however we are also open to remote working arrangements for exceptional candidates based across the UK.    WHAT YOU’LL DO:  Cultivate and deliver a robust growth plan to ensure the sustained success of TSG UK across a broad range of electrical energy sectors including EV, solar and battery storage.   Enhance the TSG UK value proposition by broadening the existing suite of services, diversifying into new markets and capturing untapped opportunities to serve existing customers as well as new.  Collaborate closely with TSG Group counterparts, internal stakeholders, and clients to become the figurehead for TSG UK in the Electric Vehicle and Electrical market sectors. Engage effectively with project, construction and electrical design teams to oversee the TSG UK Charge department’s UK interests, working closely with operations and installation teams to ensure scopes of work are completed within budget and deadlines are met Build on your own network of industry leaders and market contacts to continue to forge strong and lasting partnerships with key stakeholders in the e-mobility and sustainable transport sectors.   ABOUT YOU: You are a seasoned commercial business development professional, well versed in engaging effectively with diverse audiences across blue-chips companies and multinationals and forging long term business relationships. You have a strong understanding of renewable energy applications and have first-hand experience of high specification construction and electrical projects on a national level. Overall, you have a natural acumen for analysing business requirements to customise growth plans and strategies, with a primary focus on enhancing service delivery, capturing new opportunities and increasing revenue streams. The following attributes and competencies will be key factors of your ability to thrive in this role and set you up for success: A demonstrable track record of new business development within national and multinational organisations, ideally in the clean energies or EV charge sector Experience of delivering on forecasts and strategic growth plans by establishing long term and profitable business relationships through contract and framework agreements A strong electrical background, with at least 10 years in the electrical space at a senior level, a working knowledge of EV, Solar or Battery storage would be a big plus! Well versed in overseeing multiple high value projects and leading multi-disciplined teams An eye for an opportunity, once established you will be able to work cross functionally, leveraging other TSG business lines to maximise growth and profitability  WHY CHOOSE TSG UK? Competitive Salary and performance based bonus Company car (EV) Generous Pension Healthcare Company discount schemes Flexible working patterns  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, our commitment to DEI: TSG UK Solutions is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us at TSG UK.  

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