Electrical Construction Manager

Are you an Electrical Construction Manager who is looking to be a part of delivering key projects, with a dynamic and progressive engineering company? Rockwell are seeking a Construction Manager to be based out of the Athlone region on a permanent, full-time basis while being responsible for projects based in the Midland, Northwest and Eastern regions. Duties & Responsibilities:Coordinate the electrical design, liaising with consultants and subcontractors and participate in design reviews. Ensure weekly and daily work plans are completed, targets are met and surpassed where possible.Continue close contact with site personnel ensuring that all access, information and materials are available to ensure a productive weeks work. Day-to-day management of the site, including supervising and monitoring site personnel.Management and coordination of appointed specialist subcontractors. Liaise with the Project Manager around planning, development and enforcement of programme works.Inform the relevant project stakeholders regarding progress, cost and any other relevant issues.Oversight of safety and quality aspects of the project in accordance with company procedures. Work side by side with Quality Control and Safety Departments on site. Coordinate with consultants, subcontractors, supervisors, planners, quantity surveyors, and the general workforce involved in the project. Skills and Requirements Electrical trade background essential.8+ years’ site Construction Management experience preferred. Excellent delegation and organisational skills. Ability to work and collaborate with the wider project team essential. Strong communications skills, both written and oral required. Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities. Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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