E&I Technician

We have an exciting opportunity for an ambitious individual to join the Engineering Partner of choice Suir Engineering. Suir Engineering has offices in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. We deliver leading edge next generation solutions to clients by designing, building, and installing Data Centres, Pharma and Medical Device plants and Renewable Energy Systems. We are currently recruiting for E&I Technicians on a full-time permanent basis to join a Pharma project in Carlow What you will be doing?Fault finding and rectification for instrumentation systems.Diagnose process faults and failuresCarry out maintenance, repair and inspection of Instrumentation, electrical and control, equipment across all departments.Provide technical support to the operations team.Carrying out unplanned maintenance as instructed.Carrying out receipt verifications on new instruments.Carrying out bench test calibrations.Loop checking and testing instrument and verifying cabling.Maintaining accurate inspection and test records to comply with current legislation and plant safety and quality requirements.Assisting operations in diagnosing process problems and failures.Responsibility to maintain the compliance of ATEX certified equipment used in hazardous areas.Suggest continuous improvement suggestions for processes and calibration activitiesMaintain all documentation in an organised and controlled manner in compliance with GAMP and FDA.Ability to read and understand technical manuals and engineering documentationCapable of successfully working within a team while having the initiative to self-resolve issues.Literacy in Computer Operating Systems and applications such as Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Auto CAD etc.Ability to work to tight schedules and achieve targets. Is this job for me?Electrical Instrumentation qualification.Interest in Electrical/electronics/control systems.Previous relevant work experience is an advantage.Good attention to detail.Well organised.Ability to multi task.Good time management.Enthusiastic.Safety focused.Safe Pass and Manual Handling Training complete and in-date is essential.Wiliness to travel at home or abroad. In return from Suir:Competitive salary commensurate with experience21 days annual leaveEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike-to-Work SchemeEducational Assistance and CPDOpportunity to become part of great team and work on large scale projects Our way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business. At Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.

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