EHS Manager

EHS Manager (Dublin)Within our Power Generation & Utilities business, we deliver large-scale critical infrastructure projects that transform the reliability, availability, and efficiency of the energy network moving it towards a greener, more sustainable future. Projects include:·       High-Efficiency centralised power plants in hyperscale data centres·       Large-scale flexible peaking plants providing grid support when renewables are not available·       Embedded renewables·       National Utility projects to meet ambitious sustainability targets.We are currently seeking experienced (7+ years) Environmental, Health & Safety Manager to join our expanding Operations & Maintenance (O&M) team in Dublin. Previous experience working with MV/LV systems, gas turbines, fuel oil system, gas distribution, plant air, plant control systems would be an advantage for this role.If you’re interested in an exciting new career in Power Plant Engineering and Renewables, we want to hear from you!Responsibilities/ Duties·      Manage implementation of NeoDyne’s Health & Safety Plan. Proactively act as Safety Lead for all site safety activities and issues.·      Ensure environmental, health & safety (EHS) standards are met, and all EHS procedures are adhered to through compliance with safety and environmental legislation, procedures, and standards and ensuring all required EHS documentation is up to date and readily available.·      Ensure NeoDyne’s compliance with Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Regulations. Co-ordinate and manage NeoDyne’s safety management system.·      Ensure compliance with ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management standard.·      Keep abreast of safety, regulatory, and legislative changes through participation in seminars, events, and research.·      Carry out audits to ensure compliance with safety requirements and plans.·      Develop emergency response plans and participate in drills to ensure the readiness of the plant's emergency response team.·      Proactively lead occupational health and safety training programs for staff and management.·      Preparation and submission of RAMS for NeoDyne staff and subcontractors to main contractor/PSCS, ensuring permits in place for work and that work is carried out safely.·      Ensure NeoDyne are fully compliant with site specific rules, agreed RAMS and safe working practices, including use of PPE at work.·      Play a leading role in investigations and remedial actions associated with all EHS related accidents/incidents.·      Conduct regular safety inspections and audits to identify and mitigate potential hazards within the power generating plant, and document findings.·      Perform risk assessments for new and existing processes, equipment, and facilities to identify potential safety concerns and recommend corrective actions. Qualifications/ Skills/Experience ·      Relevant Occupational Health qualification or accreditation.·      Bachelor's degree in engineering, safety, science, or allied discipline.·      At least 7+ years’ experience in a similar role.·      Ability to interpret regulatory and legislative requirements and lead initiatives to meet requirements.·      Strong understanding of relevant EHS safety regulations and standards, including HSA, EPA, and industry-specific guidelines.·      Effective communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to engage and educate employees at all levels.·      Proficient in using MS Office packages.·      Demonstrated ability to lead and influence a safety-first culture.·      Proven experience in health and safety management within a power generating plant or similar industrial environment.Characteristics·      Works well as part of a team.·      Excellent problem solving and diagnostic skills.·      Capable of self-learning and completion of individual tasks.·      Adaptable and able to prioritise and coordinate work.·      Excellent customer service, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills.·      Ability to multitask, work under pressure and meet deadlines.Benefits·       Competitive starting salary with year-on-year bonuses and salary increases·       Paid Overtime·       Health Insurance·       Pension with employer contribution·       Income Protection·       Life Assurance·       Remote Working/ Flexi-time/ Compressed Working Week·       Personalised Career Development Plan·       Regular performance and remuneration reviews·       Cycle to work schemeDon’t miss this opportunity to join a company at the forefront of electrical engineering projects in Ireland, the UK and Europe. Apply today!NeoDyne Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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