EHR Training Co-Ordinator

Mater Private Network are looking for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) Training Coordinator who will focus on developing training plan and content for the roll out of the Electronic Health Record for Mater Private Network. This role will facilitate training between end users, application analysts, and Subject Matter Experts and ensure key milestones are met within the EHR Programme.  This role does not require previous experience with Meditech Expanse (MPN’s chosen EHR vendor), however, it would be greatly valued. This position requires a candidate who has previous training experience within the scope of a classroom based and Online Learning mgmt. systems.   Key Responsibilities Create Training Gap Analysis for our EHR roll out plan Working with the EHR team to develop a detailed training plan that ensures all stakeholders achieve the required level of training and we are compliant with relevant legislation. Develop and implement a systematic process for Training of all relevant stakeholders. Coordinate and carry out the creation of relevant online training content Support our EHR program and train new staff and existing staff Define and report on relevant metrics for training completion and effectiveness on a Monthly basis.Responsible for developing, maintaining, and coordinating a comprehensive training schedule for MPN SME’s & End Users Key requirements 2 years’ experience in a similar role Excellent Communication Skills. Knowledge of training methodologies. Experience in Learning Management Systems. Moodle/Totara preferably High proficiency in MS Office - particularly in MS Excel Outstanding multi-tasking and organisational skills. Teamwork and prioritisation skills essential. Previous experience in health care training desirable but not essentialMATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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