ED Registrar

ED Registrar Overall Purpose of JobThe mission of Beacon Hospital is “to provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect and compassionate are at the centre of all we do”.The purpose of this role is to support the medical needs of patients who present to our Emergency Department, to ensure safe quality care is delivered at all times and to ensure the smooth flow of patients through their ED experience.Key Responsibilities and DeliverablesClinical ResponsibilitiesAct under the supervision of the Emergency Medicine Consultants in the provision of an Emergency Medicine service and to support the Consultants in their duties.Be responsible for the safe and efficient assessment of Emergency patients. Duties may include triage, making orders and following up on results.Liaise effectively and in a timely manner in relation to patient referralsEnsure all patients are appropriately dealt with at the end of the shift which may include discharged home, admitted, transferred elsewhere or treatment arranged for another time.Review patients on a regular basis in accordance with the plan of care and inform the consultant of any issues or problems.Document review findings in clinical notes in a timely and legible manner.Respond to any adverse occurrences e.g. injuries, falls, sudden illnesses, etc., suffered by patients, visitors or staff.Comply with departmental clinical guidelines and protocolsAct and behave professionally and perform one’s duties in a manner that optimises patient care and protects and enhances the reputation of Beacon Hospital.Adhere to Hospital Policies and Procedures e.g. JCI, Code Blue, infection control, work hours and overtime.Communicate effectively with the multidisciplinary team within the department and HospitalComply with departmental clinical guidelines including documenting time consultant contacted regarding admissions and ensure every patient has a discharge letterEducation, Training and Quality ImprovementContribute to quality improvement, risk management initiatives and policy development so that the overall Emergency Medicine Service is of the highest quality and reflective of best practice.Document appropriately and report any near misses, hazards, and accidents and bring them to the attention of the designated individualsPromote quality by reviewing practice and engaging in audit and research activitiesAssist in the education of colleagues and staffParticipate in work related projectsComply with Health and Safety Regulations, ensuring safe working practices in a safe working environment.Undertake any other duties that may be required, which could include assisting medical colleagues throughout the Hospital and acting as a resource for junior colleagues. Person SpecificationQualificationsCurrent relevant Full Irish Medical Council Registration.Membership of relevant college is desirableMRCP or MRCS desirableExperience Recent Emergency Medicine experienceJob Specific Competencies and KnowledgeCurrent ACLS certification required.Personal CompetenciesProven ability to work as an effective team member.Ability to communicate effectively..All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager or hospital management.

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