Early Years Practitioner - Full Time

Bellefield Early Years Centre is an inclusive mainstream pre-school in Enniscorthy, which caters for children from 2 years and 6 months old to school going age. Our aim is to support the holistic development of each child while working with families to develop a positive partnership between preschool and home. We provide an environment that is safe and happy, which allows children to express creativity, explore, question, analyse and learn in a fun and stimulating way. This is a Full Time role and the candidate must be available to work Monday - Friday, 09.00am to 5.30pm.Key Duties:To provide a play based curriculum that fosters children’s emerging interests, guided by the National Early Years Practice Frameworks Aistear and Siolta.Work in close partnership with and develop and maintain good relationships with parents/ guardians and other family members. Remuneration:€13.65 per hour, Early Years Educators and School Age Childcare (SAC) Practitioners. Selection will involve short-listing of applicants for interviews based on the information provided on the application form. The short-listing selection criteria are based on the requirements of the job as outlined in each job advertisement.Minimum Requirements:FETAC QQI Level 5 in Early Childhood Care & Education Major Award or equivalent (must be listed on the DCEDIY List of Early Years Recognised Qualifications)Minimum of one year’s experience in an early year’s environment is desirableCurrently Eligible to work in IrelandExperience of working with children with disabilitiesExcellent interpersonal skillsReach Ability are equal opportunities employers.

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