Early years Educator - Dublin West Locations

Tigers Childcare are looking to recruit an experienced, dedicated, professional educator to join our team of childcare professionals in our full-day care service based in Dublin west blanch and Meath Bettystown.Start Date: ASAP (subject to reference checks and Garda vetting clearance)Rate of Pay: €18.00 per hourContract:  40 Hours (Full time) PermanentBenefits & what we can offer you:Competitive salaryEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP)Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Educational AssistanceColleague Recognition RewardsExclusive Colleague Lifestyle & Learning Discount PlatformReferral bonus for introducing new colleagues20 days annual leave (pro-rata for part-time colleagues)Holiday increments based on length of serviceFurther development and training within the industryProgression opportunities within the companyThe opportunity to work with a team of dedicated childcare professionalsSalary Scale for progression within the companyHSF Health PlanDuties & Responsibilities of Early Years Educator:Duties will be discussed in full at time of interview. A brief outline is below:To support and assist in the provision of full time day care of the highest quality, in a holistic setting.Ensure a good standard of hygiene.Organise materials and toys to the benefit of children throughout the day.Support children's developments - emotional, social, physical and cognitive in carrying out activities.Conduct observations & learning stories for assigned child/children.Attend meetings and undergo training as required.Perform other reasonable and relevant duties as may be assigned from time to time.Requirements of Early Years Educator:Candidates must be willing to work with infants and young childrenCandidates must hold a minimum of Fetac Level 5 (or recognised equivalent) in a childcare qualificationCandidates must have at least 1 year experience in a childcare role.Candidates must provide 2 x written references and copy of qualification certificates at time of interview.Candidate details will be submitted for Garda Vetting.International Vetting required if candidate has lived outside of the jurisdiction for a period of 3 months or more.If the above job description sounds like you and you are ready to take the next step in your career please hit 'apply now' - we can't wait to hear from you!!Negotiable SalaryJob ID: Cover Staff Dublin SouthJob type: PermanentJob terms: Full-timeLocation: On site / Dublin, IrelandSector: Childcare | Childcare PractitionersCreated at: Nov 30, 2023 2:11 PMPublished by: Nadine Stanley

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