e-Commerce Production Administrator

Shaws Department Stores now have a vacancy for an e-Commerce Production Administrator in our store in Support Office, located in Portlaoise.Established 160 years ago, Shaws has become a trusted, much loved brand and one of Ireland's leading department store retailers. An Irish family-owned business to this day, we enjoy a rich heritage that is steeped in tradition. Our goal is to provide quality products, unmatched service and expert knowledge for all our customers nationwide.ROLE OBJECTIVE:The primary objective of this role is to facilitate the seamless upload of product information to the company's website, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, the role includes providing coverage for customer service during annual leave and peak periods.What to expect from the role:Upload product information (online titles, descriptions, attributes, images) onto the website using the company’s content management system.Ensure the accuracy of product data before uploading by conducting thorough QA/QC of all online templates and collaborating with the buying team to address inconsistencies or data gaps.Ensure that products with multiple variants (e.g., sizes, colours) are correctly grouped together and displayed in a seamless and user-friendly manner on the Product Detail Page (PDP). All variants should be visible and easily accessible to the customer without navigating away from the product page.Ensure all products are categorised correctly in the appropriate hierarchies before uploading, and verify that they are linked to the correct pages on the website.Create new collections whenever a new brand or hierarchy is introduced.Troubleshoot any issues that arise during the upload process using the product error report and resolve them in a timely manner.Proactively chase and manage missing images with urgency. If required images cannot be obtained, coordinate the transfer of stock to stores.Proactively manage the daily GRN report for unpublished products, working closely with buying administrators to prioritise the submission of templates & imagery.Support the buying team in completing online templates during high-pressure periods, ensuring deadlines are met and accuracy is maintained.Use Photoshop & Canva to resize images according to our specified standards and guidelines.Ensure the user experience is seamless by ensuring all product images and descriptions are consistent and correctly formatted in alignment with brand guidelines.Link matching products after upload to enable the "Shop the Look" feature, ensuring seamless navigation and a cohesive shopping experience.Execute additional product categorisation for sales and specific collection promotions.Report progress and performance.Provide coverage for the customer support team during annual leave and peak trading periods.Any other responsibilities that arise within the Omnichannel functionSkills and Qualifications:Proven experience in content management or a similar data entry role, preferably in e-commerce.Strong attention to detail and ability to work efficiently with large datasets.Advanced Excel skills, including proficiency in VLOOKUPs and Pivot Tables, to analyse and manage data efficiently.A solid understanding of the retail buying cycle and product hierarchy structures to ensure efficient product management and optimal online presentation.Familiarity with eCommerce platforms, preferably Shopify.Strong organisational and time management skills.Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Good communication skills, both written and verbal.A problem-solving attitude with a focus on efficiency and accuracy.You must be eligible to work full-time in IrelandFlexibility will be required during peak times.Role is hybrid on a 60/40 percentage of contracted hours after the successful completion of the probationary period.If you feel like this is the right move for you then we would love to hear from you.

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