E-Commerce Manager

About the Role Our client, a large retail business offering an extensive range of products for builders and home improvement projects, is seeking an experienced E-Commerce Manager to lead the transformation of their online sales channel. This role will focus on overseeing the development and optimisation of their e-commerce website, ensuring it becomes a powerful tool for sales growth and customer engagement. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in project management, a deep understanding of e-commerce and retail operations, and a passion for driving results.Key Responsibilities1. Website ManagementOversee the completion of the company’s website in collaboration with an external agency.Populate the website with stock by coordinating with all retail departments.Maintain the site’s performance, ensuring it remains user-friendly, visually appealing, and aligned with the brand identity.Continuously develop and improve the website’s functionality and features.Ensure seamless integration of the website with the ERP system to facilitate stock control, order fulfilment, and customer service.Manage and maintain pricing policies on the website.2. Online Sales GrowthDevelop and execute strategies to grow online sales to attribute to a significant portion of company’s total turnoverImplement SEO strategies to improve website visibility and attract organic traffic.Drive traffic to the website and convert website visits into sales.Support efforts to drive foot traffic to physical stores through online initiatives.3. Order Fulfilment and DispatchIn the short term, manage a small team responsible for dispatching products.4. Cross-Department CollaborationWork closely with all departments to prioritise and support online sales initiatives.Serve as a key point of contact for inter-departmental collaboration on e-commerce projects.5. Team and Resource ManagementLead and manage a team of administration staff, ensuring they have the tools and resources needed to achieve business objectives.Allocate resources effectively to meet project deadlines and sales targets. Key QualificationsProven experience in project management, preferably within retail or e-commerce.Strong knowledge of website development, digital marketing strategies, and ERP system integration.Excellent organisational and time-management skills, with the ability to juggle multiple projects and deadlines.Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to engage effectively with diverse teams.Analytical mindset with a data-driven approach to decision-making.·       Strong business acumen with the ability to identify and capitalise on market opportunitiesRemuneration and Career PotentialSalary & Benefits negotiable with strong development prospects as the company continues to expand and adapt to the changing business environment. How to ApplyPlease send your CV and a cover letter detailing your relevant experience and why you are interested in this opportunity to sarahkinsella@rbk.ie.

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