Duty Manager with Food and Beverage experience

Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, part of Talbot Collection are recruiting for a Duty Manager to ensure a friendly and efficient 4 Star service throughout the property and to supervise all areas of the hotel ensuring the maintenance of agreed company standards. Overall Job Purpose:You will be a strong leader and business developer, with excellent people skills and a passion for customer satisfaction. Assist the General Manager, and Deputy Manager in ensuring the effective & efficient operation of the hotel in all departments to include all food & beverage outlets, reception, accommodation and kitchen.. To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times. Main Duties:Ensure an efficient food & beverage service in the bar and restaurant at all times, particularly during peak times.Ensure that our guests receive 'excellent friendly service' by all our team members, every time.Manage and respond to customer queries in a proactive and timely manner.Ensure any guest complaints are managed effectively and in a timely manner, endeavoring to turn the guests experience into a positive experience at every opportunity.Carry out all security and departmental checklists.Prioritise the security and health and safety of our team and guests whilst on duty.Assist in any department as needs be.Carry out any adhoc duties as assigned by Management.The Successful Candidate must:Have 2 years’ experience as a Duty Manager in a 4* hotel and at least 3 years' food and beverage experience in a 4* hotel.A third level qualification in hotel management or similar would be a distinct advantage.Be passionate and motivated by guest satisfaction.Be a team player and have exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.Be flexible and available to work various shifts including weekends and evenings.Must be proficient in the English language, both spoken and written.This position will involve shift and weekend work.What do we offer?Competitive SalaryContributory Pension Scheme whereby the company matches contributions up to 3% (minimum service requirement)Complimentary Leisure Club membershipStaff meals on dutyLife Insurance15% discount in Pettitt's SuperValuGroup family and friends’ rates on AccommodationEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parking***Talbot Collection Stillorgan is an equal opportunities employer*** 

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