Duty Manager - The Maritime

The 4* Maritime Hotel in Bantry is recruiting for a Duty Manager. This role works as part of the Management team overseeing and supporting the hotel operations. This full time role, all year round, will suit someone who has worked in a supervisory role in a hotel, restaurant, bar, retail, tourism attraction or has run their own business and is looking for a new opportunity to go in a different direction or to further develop their career.The Maritime Hotel is certified as a Great Place to Work and part of the Gleneagle Group. The Gleneagle Group prides itself on offering opportunities for all employees to meet their full potential and in investing in those interested in building their career in this sector.The successful candidate should be kind and compassionate with guests and colleagues, organised in their work, have great attention to detail and have the agility to deal with a variety of work. Full on the job training will be given.Main responsibilities:Overseeing all departments when on duty, monitoring staffing levels particularly when business levels change, ensuing delivery of operational standards.Ensuring all meetings rooms, conference and banqueting rooms are set and ready to go for incoming business.Taking and responding to guest feedback.Meeting and speaking with guests, helping them to discover everything about the hotel and about Bantry and West Cork.Completing administration relating to duty manager shifts including end of shift passovers, fire and security walks, incident reports.Qualifications and experience:Previous experience in a supervisory or management role in a hospitality, retail or tourism environment is essential.Experience in a food & beverage supervisory or management role is preferred.Exceptional attention to detailAbility to work as part of the team and equally comfortable working on own initiative.Comfortable working in a guest facing role and in being part of delivering a West Cork welcome and experience to all of our guests.Equally content in a fast paced environment, or slowing down to chat to guests and having the agility required for both.Great communicator, both verbal and written, IT proficient.Our offer to you:Year-round employmentCompetitive rate of payRelocation assistance including accommodation provision if neededOnline training prior to startingHR support throughout onboarding processEmployee referral bonus Free onsite car parkingFree meals, tea & coffee on dutyUniform providedEqual opportunity for training and career development with the Gleneagle GroupPaid internal and external training daysDiscounted use of gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, steam room Discounted leisure club membership for family membersSpecial rates for family and friends in our hotels and self-catering propertiesDiscounted dining rates for family for special occasions Feel Good Friday weekly rewards for excellenceEmployee of the MonthAnnual Employee Awards EventAnnual staff party and children’s party2-night stay for two people in a hotel of your choice after 12 months serviceDiscounted tickets for some hotel entertainment events Access to trained mental health first aidersEmployee social events calendarEmployee wellbeing events

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