Duty Manager with extensive Food and Beverage experience

Talbot Hotel Carlow, part of Talbot Collection are currently recruiting for an experienced Duty Manager.Overall Job PurposeTo ensure a friendly and efficient 4 Star service throughout the property and to supervise all areas of the hotel ensuring the maintenance of agreed company standards. To deliver exceptional friendly service at all times, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program. To be respectful, polite, friendly, and unfailingly helpful in all your dealings with guests and colleagues alike, recognising that you are an ‘ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times.The Talbot Collection are one of the Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2024 as awarded by the Great Place to Work. Come experience it for yourself and join our team. Role Specific Duties:Lead and motivate teamsMaintain and improve efficiency and effectiveness of the F&B DepartmentTrain and develop staff in line with company polices and SOPsAdjust roster according to the business levels. Friendly and professional work attitude; Oversee the daily operations in the hotel Build professional relationships with all the managersThe successful candidate will have:Strong leadership skills and a passion for customer satisfaction. Friendly and professional work attitude;Fluent English essential - written and spoken;Must be available to work variable shifts;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills;Have worked as a Duty Manager/Bar Manager/Restaurant Manager in a 4 Star propertyWhat do we offer? Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parkingUniform***Talbot Hotel Carlow is an equal opportunities employer***

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