Duty Manager - County Sligo

Our client a 4 star Hotel opening in Sligo Town in March 2024  are looking for a hospitality professional with experience within a similar quality environment, to join their professional team.Excellent opportunity for someone who is looking for a career in Hospitality. Career progression and On boarding training.Function:To oversee the day to day operation of the Hotel while on duty. To ensure that a consistently high standard and quality of service exists at all times with specific focus on both Food and Beverage and Rooms/Front Office departments.Key Deliverables and ResponsibilitiesTo work with the Management Team to ensure smooth running of the hotel operationTo ensure that all staff conduct themselves in accordance to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual and hotel policy Ability to direct the team in all operational departments in their day to day dutiesA strong presence on the floor with a hands on approach at all service times To assist the Head of Department to continually improve the procedures and systemsTo maintain control over the cash on the premises (Floats, cash registers, the back safe.)Weekly rosters/ forecasts/ ordering and stock takesTo handle any complaints that may arise ensuring that each complaint is handled in a manner that complies with the hotel policyTo deal with guest queries in a friendly and professional manner, ensuring guest satisfactionTo ensure that all fire escape routes are kept clear and the doors are kept in good working orderTo carry out security and fire walks as per scheduleTo ensure that the premises are operating in compliance with the Health & Safety at work Act 2005 and the Hotel Health & Safety PolicyTo ensure that the food and beverage department is operating within the food and hygiene regulations (HACCP)To ensure that all fire safety equipment is in good working order and that it is placed in the correct position as laid down by the fire officerLog any accidents or incidents that may occur to patrons or staff of the hotel in the Duty Managers hand over diary and / incident report formsTo help organise sales incentives and promotions that may increase the turnover of the hotel

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