Duty Manager

The Anner Hotel is a 4-star hotel located in Thurles, mid-way between the cities of Cork & Dublin and is only 1.5 hours from all major cities. In the heart of Tipperary, Anner Hotel offers great accommodation with 92 guest rooms all tastefully decorated in restful tones, fine casual dining in Ed Bistro and Seasons Restaurant, private dining, conference suites and an extensive award-winning Leisure Centre with an 18-metre pool. We have an exciting opportunity for a Duty Manager to join our team. The Role:The successful candidate will be professional, enthusiastic, and trustworthy with a passion for Hospitality. You will demonstrate excellent communicational skills as well as the initiative required to multi-task in this busy environment.  Duties include:Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Hotel.Have full knowledge of the Hotel and each department.Deliver an exceptional level of customer service, striving to anticipate guests needs.Ensure prompt resolution of any guest/customer issues.To assist all departments within the Hotel as required.To ensure all company policies and procedures are adhered to. Requirements:Flexibility in working hours as role will include evenings and weekends.Ability to work on your own initiative and as part of a team.Previous supervisory or managerial experience in a similar role is essential.Strong food and beverage background with experience in banqueting essential. What we offer:       Competitive salary rates, dependent on experience.       Access to training & career progression.       Complimentary leisure centre usage.       Access to discounted room rates within the Windward Hotel Portfolio.       Food & Beverage discount in restaurant.       Uniform & meals on duty provided.       Bike to work scheme.  References:All employment offers made are subject to a valid work permit and two satisfactory references.

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