Duty Manager

Can you think on your feet?? Do you enjoy variety in your work day?No two days are the same in hospitality....We are looking for a Part Time Duty Manager to join our Team at The Inn at Dromoland.Main Duties:To oversee the day-to-day operation of the hotelTo ensure that the agreed standards are met on a consistent basis.To provide a friendly and efficient service while maximizing sales and profit.To promote good working relations between all departments To work in conjunction with Heads of Department to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the departments Candidate need to meet the following criteria: Have 3rd level qualification in Hotel Management/Supervision or equivalent experience Be focused on standards and attention to detail.Be organised, efficient and systematic in work procedures.Be self-motivated, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Have a good ability to lead and motivate. Full training will be provided. BenefitsBesides working with a great team......we have an excellent benefits package with the role including but not limited to:Free Leisure Centre AccessPension SchemeSick Pay SchemeWellness ProgrammeCompetitive SalaryUp to twenty five days holidays based on length of serviceUniform dry cleaningdiscounts rates across the Dromoland estateand much more......

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