Duty Manager

The Shearwater Hotel is part of the Comer Group Hotel. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a well established team, with opportunities within the group in the future.Job SummaryWe at the Shearwater Hotel & Spa are currently recruiting a Duty Manager to join our management team.The successful candidate will be Providing support and working with the Managers and their teams to assist in the day to day running of the hotel.Ensuring all guests expectations are exceeded.Become actively involved in the departments when required, carrying out day to day duties alongside members of the team, promoting a positive work ethic.Lead by example by displaying a hands-on style, which encourages team involvement, initiative and a focus on continuous improvement.Demonstrate a knowledge of all hotel departments.Ensure a professional working relationship with fellow managers and teams.Carrying out duties as assigned by the Senior Manager or Group Management TeamRequired Education, Skills and QualificationsA degree or diploma in Hotel or Hospitality Management would be preferred but is not essentialProven management experience is essentialMinimum 1-2 years restaurant experience an advantage.Possess strong food and beverage, coffee, wine and cocktail knowledge.Front office experience an advantage.Proven exemplary guest service and sales skills.Knowledge of Hotsoft and Point of Sale systems.Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.BenefitsFree on-site parkingSubsidised lunchesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed hotelsDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland Spa and Leisure FacilitiesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed restaurants

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