Driver (Starting at $20)

Wisetek is currently hiring Drivers! Drivers are responsible for the collection of customer products and transport back to our facility. Collections are almost always same day pick up and return. Some trucks also have disk drive shredder and some drivers will operate it after training. Qualifications: Clean driving recordMinimum requirement for any driver job is valid driver's license in the state in which they work.Minimum 1 year experience driving a Box TruckMust pass DOT physicalGood communication skillsOrganizational and time management skillsDecision -making skillsVaccination Required Founded in 2007, Wisetek has grown to be a global leader in IT asset disposition (ITAD), secure data destruction, reuse, and technology manufacturing services worldwide. We have 5 facilities in the US. What do we offer you? Excellent health and employee benefits.A competitive salary.An opportunity to work for a company that is making a real difference, where you will work with a great Team and if you are looking for career progression, we have a proven history. Wisetek is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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