Driver | Part Time | Swords

Job Title: DriverLocation: Carechoice SwordsPurpose of Role:We are looking for a dedicated and dependable individual to join our team as a driver. In this key position, you will act as an ambassador for Carechoice, helping to ensure smooth transportation and logistics operations for residents. You’ll be a vital point of contact for employees and prospective employees, playing a critical role in maintaining the efficient running of our operations.Principal Duties & Responsibilities:As a driver, your daily responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:Transporting Residents & Staff: Safely transport residents and staff to various locations as requested.Vehicle Maintenance: Keep vehicles clean and in top condition, ensuring comfort and safety for all riders. This includes maintaining clean car seats and performing regular maintenance checks.Scheduling & Reporting: Schedule car service appointments, report any vehicle issues, and ensure the vehicle is always fueled and ready for use.Package & Purchase Deliveries: Deliver packages promptly and pick up office purchases or handle administrative tasks as required.Vehicle Management: Oversee the safe loading and unloading of goods, ensuring vehicles are parked correctly and compliant with all safety regulations.Record Keeping: Update monthly mileage logs and track vehicle usage for reporting purposes.Safety & Compliance: Ensure all operations are conducted in line with relevant safety regulations, including reporting accidents, violations, and vehicle defects.Additional Responsibilities:Perform any other duties assigned by the Director of Nursing or authorized staff as needed.Adapt to the evolving needs of the service and continuously improve skills to stay aligned with the changing landscape of care delivery.Key Requirements:Proven experience in a similar role, ideally within a healthcare or logistics environment.Valid driver’s license and clean driving record.Strong attention to detail and ability to manage vehicle maintenance and administrative tasks.Excellent communication skills and ability to interact professionally with staff and residents.Flexibility and adaptability in a fast-paced environment.Why Join Us?At Care choice, we value the contribution each team member makes in creating a safe, caring, and supportive environment. You will be an integral part of a dedicated team that strives to deliver the highest standards of care.If you're reliable, organized, and passionate about making a positive impact, we encourage you to apply for this rewarding role today!

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