Driver B Licence

Role & ResponsibilitiesThe primary role will be transport and delivery of goods nationwide on a daily basis in a Van.Duties will include:· Checking all orders against manifests and signing on receipt of orders· Multiple drops at various locations on a daily basis· Ensuring all delivery paperwork is completed and accurate· Report all delivery issues to customer services/ Management in a timely manner· Report all vehicle maintenance issues to management· Adhere to the Companies Health & Safety PolicyKey CompetenciesEssential                                                                                      · Must have a Full Clean B license· Must be 25 years or older for insurance purposes· Previous experience of multiple drops is required*· Good English is essential· Essential that candidate is flexible· Must be available to work nationwide· Must work to deadlinesWHO WE AREPrimeline Express are the largest independent Irish provider of express road freight between Ireland and the UK by developing an intricate understanding of the market. As a subsidiary of Primeline Group, our experienced team of experts has spent 29 years evolving and delivering tailored strategic solutions for our clients. Our extensive network allows us to provide the most comprehensive selection of flexible services across Ireland and the UK. Using a combination of best-practice, cutting-edge technology and unique insights garnered from 29 years at the top of our profession, we can manage requirements and maximise budgets within our UK-Ireland-UK Express Service, Scottish Express Service and European Import/Export Service. WHERE WE ARE GOINGWe are committed to driving continued growth and shaping the future of distribution at Primeline Express. By maintaining close partnerships with all our customers, we deliver unparalleled personalised service and expertise. Our dedicated team of account managers and logistics experts, along with our regular business reviews and continuous cost improvement reporting, ensures that we remain a trusted distribution partner across the FMCG, Retail, Pharma, Media, Automotive, Print, and IT sectors in both the UK and Ireland. As we look ahead, we are focused on innovating and enhancing our processes to meet the evolving needs of our clients, ensuring sustainable growth and success for all.WHAT DO WE WANT?In line with Primeline Group, our core values of respect, teamwork, results, excellence, and courage guide everything we do. We seek individuals who demonstrate empathy and appreciation for diverse perspectives, collaborate effectively with others, and are motivated by achieving outstanding results. You should be committed to continuous improvement, maintain high standards, and have the courage to take initiative and drive innovation. If you resonate with these values and are ready to contribute to a positive and dynamic work environment where everyone can thrive and succeed, we would love to hear from you.

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