Drainage Engineer - CCTV/ HGV/Jetting Operatives

JOB DESCRIPTION  Job Title: Drainage Engineer - CCTV/ HGV/Jetting Operatives                                               Base location: Newcastle Jet Aire Services are looking for drainage engineers with jetting, OS19 or HGV experience. We have opportunities to join our established and growing operations in the North of England, working at various site locations from our Team Valley depot. We have a modern and expanding fleet of vehicles along with the best equipment and technology available, helping our teams to work safely and efficiently. Good rates of pay (depending on your skills and experience) are on offer, along with the opportunity to earn overtime. Flexibility, a positive attitude, customer focus and excellent communication skills are a must. If that sounds like you and you looking to join an exciting growing business with strong foundations, we’d like to hear from you! Purpose of the Role:Carry out all aspects of drainage works and ensure all site information is captured and recorded correctly and further works ordered correctly. Key Responsibilities:CCTV Surveys (dependent on role offered).High Pressure Water Jetting.Working with vactors/operating the boom.Working in confined spaces.Work as part of a team.Thorough completion of site/works information on a tablet device.Carry out work in line with company health and safety policy and procedures.Good time management and working efficiently.Completing Drivers Hours Books and Vehicle Checks (Defect books).General maintenance and upkeep of vehicles and equipment.Be part of the On-Call Rota.Willingness to learn and undertake all training and development as required.Flexible in approach to working hours/ shifts. It is not possible for this document to totally encompass or define all tasks that may be required of the post holder. The outlined duties may therefore vary from time to time without materially changing either the character or level of responsibility. General Responsibilities:The Company is committed to achieving a high standard of Health and Safety in all its activities and the post holder will be expected to contribute to maintaining standards to ensure compliance with all appropriate legislation.To recognise the importance of fairness and equality in the workplace, to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Experience and Qualifications:Work on the Public Highway.CSCS Required.Must hold full UK Driving License.Undertake training as instructed by the company (street works, water jetting association, etc). Personal SkillsDriven and enthusiastic.Excellent customer service and communication skills.Focus, thoroughness and keen attention to detail.Solid problem solving and decision-making ability.Commitment to service excellence demonstrating a ‘can do’ attitude.Ability to work under pressure and to deliver results to strict/tight deadlines.Absolute willingness to work outside in all weather conditions.Professional and flexible approach to work. The Vision of Jet Aire Services Group is to be the drainage contractor of choice. Our mission statement is to build a financially strong and stable business, whilst delivering unrivalled quality service.  Values and Behaviours:  Candour – open, honest, sincere, and receptive.Accountability – is accountable for own actions, behaviour, and performance. Takes ownership of decisions.Respect – behaves with dignity and respect, listens, and shows empathy.Excellence – strives for excellence. Jet Aire Services Group Benefits Package As well as being a great place to work, we offer our employees a range of benefits including. The Hub – for JAS PeopleOur employee engagement platform that also offers unbeatable money saving discounts. An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).Our EAP is a free and confidential employee benefit designed to help deal with issues that could be affecting general wellbeing. JASafe Always.We are committed to making Jet Aire Services Group a safe place to work. Cycle Scheme.Eye Care.Employee of the Month incentiveThe winner receives £100.00 in gift vouchers. Refer-a-Friend incentive.We hope you enjoy working here so much, you recommend us to your friends and family, you can earn £250.00 for referring us. If you pride yourself in delivering a quality service, want to work for a financially stable business who offers an attractive overall benefits package, and your values align with ours, we look forward to hearing from you.

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