Domestic Appliance Engineer - Self Employed

Domestic Appliance Engineer - Self EmployedAt Pacifica we pride ourselves on our position as the UK’s largest Appliance Repair provider, with over 370,000 appliance repairs every year, visiting and servicing 1 million customers. Every day over 400 of our fully qualified engineers, trusted by our customers and clients, visit homes to carry out repairs.We are looking for you, to work in partnership with Pacifica Appliance Services. Do you have your own business or are looking for help and support to begin your start-up of one? We will provide all the help and support you’ll need to be in charge of your earning potential, with a reliable source of work, allowing you to grow your client portfolio outside of us whilst giving you access to work you wouldn’t otherwise see. Come and Join Pacifica!• Provided with the latest tools and equipmento A tablet running our field service applicationso Daily planned service jobso Uniformo Field support & Office support teamso Full Electrical Safety training and PPEo FOC spare parts that are delivered to a local collection pointWe’re looking for skilled Domestic Appliance Engineers to join our Service Partner Network. We’ll provide a full induction and specific product upskilling if you require it, enabling you to expand your skillset and develop your business further. Benefits:• Competitive rates of pay per completed job and weekly pay• Flexible working• FOC parts to a local collection point• FOC Uniform and PPE • The latest tools and A tablet running bespoke software for easy job management• Access to in house and direct manufacturer technical support • Access to field management teams and office-based support.• Access to continuous online training platformOnce you have completed a full induction you are set for a great Partnership with Pacifica, ready to repair customers' appliances with the right equipment and mobile tablet running bespoke job planning software to make your day quick and efficient. We have several opportunities available nationally, so if you have the right skillset and experience we'd love to hear from you!To be considered for the role you will need the following:• Experience in the White Goods repair sector with working knowledge of at least 4 of the following; washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, refrigeration, and electric cooking appliances.• Full UK Driving Licence

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