Domestic Abuse Key Worker

Our Values, Our Work, Our People COPE Galway is a charity that has been providing social services in Galway since the 1970s.COPE Galway’s Domestic Abuse Service offers support to women who reside within the Refuge at Modh Eile House, as well as to many more who live in the community and receive support in their locality; we also work with children and young people who have been exposed to violence and abuse in the home. Ours is a learning organisation where we seek to innovate in line with evidence based best practise. We embrace strengths based approaches, harm reduction, trauma informed care and rights based service provision. Our people receive a wide variety of on-the-job training, with core training including Trauma Informed Care, First Aid, Safety Intervention and additional training including Values Workshops, Diversity Workshops, Motivational Interviewing and Harm Reduction Workshops.The Role Modh Eile House provides temporary, safe accommodation for women and their children experiencing domestic abuse, with the Service supporting women and their children from Galway city & county who both live in and who do not. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Modh Eile provides comprehensive and holistic care. The Key Worker is part of a dedicated team of professionals who operate this service, with a focus on key work planning and progressing with each client. The Key Worker will report to the Co-Ordinator / Head of Service.Duties and responsibilitiesA) KEY WORK PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION• Support all new contacts to the Service through providing initial welcome, emotional support and conducting initial needs and risk assessment• Work with women who seek support, including making admissions or referrals as appropriate and as per policy guidelines• Take and manage calls to the 24/7 Helpline• Work with a caseload of Key Work clients, to establish need, agree goals and work towards their achievement• Draft with each woman a Care plan, working to her goals and in response to her needs, embodying the principles of a strengths-based approach and a model of empowerment• Participate in the induction of new residents into the refuge• Ensure client files are properly maintained and all records are updated and maintained, in accordance with policy and practice• Provide a comprehensive service to each client of the Service, in accordance with her needs, whichmay include support in budgeting, seeking accommodation, engaging with other services / agencies• Work with clients of the Service, resident or not, in considering the dynamics of the abuse which they have experienced and in examining paths forward in line with the client’s wishes• Accompany women to Court to apply for legal protection as appropriate and carry out court preparation with women as required• Accompany women to other agencies if appropriate and in accordance with any risk assessments in place• Complete necessary paperwork with and on behalf of new admissions to the refuge• Identify with each woman her own priorities across a arrange of areas including safety, medical, health, welfare, legal, housing, and others as may arise• Work with each woman in establishing well-being of children and subsequently with Solas Og in the development of support plans for relevant children• Set out a care and support plan for each woman, and agree this with the client and the Client Services Co-Ordinator• Plan week-to-week the progression of this plan, ensuring that the woman’s changing needs remain central to the plan at all times, ensuring that she is informed of all progress, and ensuring that tasks continue as set out• Review with CS Co-Ordinator on regular basis to ensure appropriateness of model of service delivery• Devise an after-care plan for women leaving refuge• Devise a care plan approach for Outreach clients, as appropriateB) GENERAL• Participate in the operation of the Service• Work a variety of rostered shifts which will include a range of shifts, potentially including late evenings and weekend work, and is subject to change periodically• Record and maintain records of any incidents and other day to day issues in the appropriate systems of record• Keep other staff on duty fully informed of such incidents and issues• Compile statistics, and record relevant information as required• Comply with all procedures and guidelines relating to financial matters within the Service• Remain familiar with safety features of the Service including the fire alarm system and other fire safety equipment• Comply with all health and safety checks as required• Participate in fire drills when scheduled• Be pro-active with regard to keeping updated about changes in all areas relating to work such as social welfare, housing, legal, immigration etc• Undertake any other duties as assigned by managementC) WELFARE OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN• Ensure that the Service has a friendly, warm and inviting atmosphere for the Service users• Be respectful, courteous and patient with women and children at all times and in all circumstances• Offer emotional support to women who require it• Address the issues and needs, which women may present to you in the course of your dealings with them• Consult and liaise with external voluntary, statutory and professional agencies as appropriate in relation to the needs of individual families• Advocate on behalf of women and children with a range of relevant agencies and organisations in the context of a gendered analysis of Domestic Violence• Encourage and support women in taking responsibility and contributing to their own welfare needs and ensure that women are fully involved in decisions affecting them• Keep written records of actions taken in addressing the issues and needs of families, as per systems and policy• Key work clients as assigned, conducting needs assessments and care plans as appropriate• Be proactive about seeking feedback from women on the service they receive and support them to becomeinvolved in the service as per the COPE Galway Client Involvement Policy• Ensure that any information given to women is appropriate and in accordance with COPE Galway policy guidelines• Work in accordance with the policies and procedures of the service and the wider organisation while ensuring that any discussions/issues regarding these are raised and dealt with in the appropriate forum• Liaise with management with regard to the aftercare of families• Engage as required on designated tasks with the SURF (Service User Refuge Forum) forum• Ensure that any discussions and information pertaining to women and children is kept strictly confidential in accordance with the COPE Galway Code of Practice• Work in accordance with the Safeguarding and related policiesD) STAFFING• Participate in the supervision provided by the Client Services Co-ordinator or other relevant persons• Participate in any group supervision/reflective practice sessions that may be implemented, as required• Attend team meetings as instructed• As a team member, foster a positive attitude to both practice and organisational issues• Supervise subsidiary staff, student placements and volunteers as directed by the Client Services Coordinator or Head of Domestic Abuse Service• Provide guidance and leadership for subsidiary staff and volunteers and participate in the induction of new staff• Help identify training needs and how they can best be addressed• Participate in appropriate training programmes as directed by the Manager or Co-ordinator• As a team member, contribute to fostering a culture of reflective practice and a positive working environment for all staff in the service• Inform the Client Services Coordinator and / or Head of Domestic Abuse Service as soon as possible of significant issues and incidents relating to the operation of the Service• Ensure that any staff discussions are kept strictly confidential• Have good self-awareness and the ability to manage personal emotions that may arise during working hours in an appropriate manner that is consistent with organisational policies and procedures• Monitor personal behaviour and ensure that it is professional and appropriate to the workplace at all times• Ensure a focus on client issues during team discussions, reflective practice sessions and general discussions on practice issues• Ensure a non-judgemental, non-discriminatory approach in the work at all times• Seek support/supervision as soon as possible for any boundary issues that may arise in the work identified by yourself, by other team members or by the Manager• Contribute constructively to team discussions, while allowing space for others to do likewise• Have a clear understanding of the roles of both Client Services Co-Ordinator and Head of Domestic Abuse Service and take direction as required• Contribute to a positive working environment for all colleagues• Engage in ongoing reflection on practice as required from both a personal and team perspective• Have a flexible and solution-oriented approach that seeks to resolve issues in a constructive and collaborative mannerE) THE COMMUNITY• Endeavour to publicise and promote the work of Modh Eile House and the other services provided by COPE Galway• Contribute to the fostering of positive relations with the local community in addressing and responding to enquiries made to the Refuge• Contribute to team discussions on and participate in fundraising events as appropriateAdhere to all of COPE Galway’s policies and procedures.Ensure adherence to all OF COPE Galway’s policies in particular to Health and Safety, Child Protection, and Data Protection.Maintain health and hygiene standards and participate in domestic cleaning where required.Carry out any other reasonable duties as requestedKey Terms and ConditionsContract Type: Fixed Term - 6 monthsLocation: COPE Galway's Domestic Abuse Service - Refuge at Modh Eile HouseHours of Work: 35 hours per week on averageAnnual Leave: 22 days per annum pro rataOther benefits: Pension, Bike to Work scheme, Corporate gym membership, Employee Assistance Program.RequirementsThe ideal candidate will have:A relevant third level qualification in social care AND a minimum of two years’ experience working in a domestic abuse service.Experience of key working/case management, including the drafting and implementation of a care and support plan.Experience of and a proven ability to work with a woman in a strengths-based approach or model.Good written and oral communication and I.T. skills.An understanding of Domestic Abuse and its impact on women and children.A demonstrable attitude of warmth, patience and acceptance for every woman and child who reaches out to this Service..A client-centred approach, promoting engagement and empowerment.An ability to advocate effectively for and with women and in the context of a gendered analysis of domestic violence.An ability to maintain positive relations with clients, colleagues, students, volunteers, and other professional agencies. 

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