Dispute Resolution Operations Manager

ComReg OverviewWe are the statutory body responsible for regulating electronic communications, postal and premium rate services in Ireland. We are a professional, multi-disciplinary organisation, operating in a dynamic telecommunications environment that is constantly evolving. Our Mission - at the heart of everything we do - is to facilitate the development of a competitive communications sector in Ireland that attracts investment, encourages innovation and empowers consumers to choose and use communications services with confidence.Division overview Retail & Consumer Services Division Our Retail and Consumer Services Division has a number of different teams including Consumer Care, Consumer Policy, Compliance, Emergency Call Answering, Legal & Alternative Dispute Resolution, Postal, Premium Rate Services and Consumer Engagement. Within these teams are people with different professional backgrounds. We have Economists, Accountants, Analysts, Engineers and Legal Advisors.Our new team member will join the Legal & Alternative Dispute Resolution team, reporting to the Legal and Alternative Dispute Resolution Manager within the Retail and Consumer Services Division.Dispute ResolutionComReg has a statutory function to resolve disputes between users of electronic communications services and postal services and the providers of those services. ComReg resolves disputes referred to it when users have been unable to resolve the dispute with their provider. ComReg’s remit is set by statute and rules and procedures govern how dispute resolution is carried out. The role and responsibilities The Dispute Resolution Operations Manager will assist the Legal and ADR Manager in ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of ComReg’s dispute resolution functions. This will include working with the Legal and Alternative Dispute Resolution Manager to:• Manage and co-ordinate the resolution of disputes coming within ComReg’s remit in accordance with statutory rules, required timelines and procedures to ensure a high-quality service is provided • Allocate resources and case work appropriately and monitor performance to ensure all deliverables are achieved in accordance with set targets and KPIs• Develop, implement, and conduct ongoing review of, dispute resolution processes and procedures to ensure they are fit for purpose and subject to a cycle of continuous improvement• Carry out quality assurance exercises• Develop policy related to dispute resolution and complaints reporting• Co-ordinate and manage complaints reporting by providers • Conduct external consultations with stakeholders • Clearly and effectively communicate with users, providers, decision makers and other relevant parties • Ensure effective stakeholder management both internally and externally• Apply business intelligence to inform systems improvements and contribute to strategic and business planning. In this respect, the successful candidate will work closely with ComReg’s I.T. Department.• Manage the third-party verification process to ensure that third parties who request to represent users in their dealings with ComReg in respect of complaints and disputes are verified and that appropriate checks are carried out in accordance with data protection requirements• Take, apply and disseminate knowledge and insights gained (within the dispute resolution team, the organisation and in the communications sector)• Ensure that necessary and other useful information about dispute resolution is publicly availableThe above is intended as a guide to the general range of duties and responsibilities. It is not intended to be definitive or restrictive and is subject to review. Qualifications and Experience required Essential • Degree-level qualification business or a related discipline• Experience of working in a regulatory environment• Experience in dealing with consumers ideally in relation to complaints/disputes with service providers• Well-developed conceptual and problem-solving skills• Experience in using technical systems and involvement in development to meet business needs • Excellent inter-personal and communication skills, both oral and written, and a proven ability to work collaboratively with others • Excellent communication skills both oral and written Desirable • Knowledge or experience of telecoms/electronic communications and postal sectors would be a distinct advantage • Knowledge or experience of consumer law• Knowledge or experience of dispute resolution• Knowledge of relevant laws and regulations related to dispute resolution• People-management experience • Experience in policy formulation and development, particularly in a regulatory environment • Experience in the handling of sensitive and confidential information with discretion and in accordance with data protection requirements• Experience of developing and implementing quality control and assessment• Commitment to continuous professional development • Experience of using customer relationship management systems, Wordpress and data management systems a distinct advantage. Core Competencies & Skills for the Role In addition to your technical qualifications and experience, you will bring professional competencies and skills in the following core areas:Decision Making & Judgement: Effectively builds evidence base to support the decision-making process. Assesses alternative options. Uses judgement to adapt to specific and challenging requirements of the organisation. Analytical & Critical Thinking: Objectively analyses and evaluates information in order to identify patterns between situations that are not obviously related. Develops and clearly articulates solutions to complex problems. Planning and Organising: Establishes and monitors priorities, systematically differentiating between urgent, important and unimportant tasks. Plans and manages activities to consistently deliver results. Meets objectives within agreed predetermined time frames and deals with urgent operational situations expeditiously. Communicating & Influencing: Communicates clearly, confidently and respectfully. Engages, persuades and convinces others to follow a particular course of action. Ensures all relevant parties are appropriately updated and notified. Teamwork: Promotes and enhances team performance through working collaboratively and in cooperation with others to achieve goals. Interacts in a manner that builds respect and fosters trust. Drafting: Uses a logical structure to draft documents. Communicates complex and technical information clearly and concisely. Ensures key messages are understood and have the desired impact on the target audience. Our PackageWe are offering an attractive package: • Salary €84,531.22 - €105,680.24 * (Pay increases will be awarded annually subject to satisfactory performance)• Dublin city centre location - IFSC• Blended working environment - 2 days a week in office (flexibility for more days may be required depending on business needs)• 28 days Annual Leave per year increases with service• Fully paid Maternity, Paternity and Parent’s leave• Income protection scheme• Education assistance and Training Opportunities • Professional membership fee pay• Attractive pension scheme • ComWell Wellbeing Programme• Travel tax saver scheme, Access to Cycle to Work Scheme• Access to Employee Assistance Programme• Access to a members run sports and social club*(entry will be at the minimum point and the rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy.)Please Note (1)We hope that our recruitment process supports applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. We understand that having a diverse workforce contributes to making us stronger as an organisation. We are committed to positively supporting candidates with disabilities.  Please let us know if there is any reasonable accommodations we can make to enable you to take part in the process by creating the environment to give you the best opportunity to show your strengths and competencies. Rest assured that whatever information you disclose will only be used to enable us to provide the necessary support and will never have a bearing on the outcome of the process.  Please Note (2)ComReg assesses all applicants fairly based on the requirements for the role. Due to the high volume of applications we receive for positions, we are unable to provide feedback to candidates who are not shortlisted for interview. If you are short-listed for interview, and are subsequently unsuccessful, you can request verbal feedback from your recruitment contact – if you are represented by an agency.

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