Dispatch & Logistics Coordinator

Dispatch and Logistics Coordinator Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment? Are you someone that loves to be part of a dynamic supportive team? If this sounds like you, we have a great opportunity to join a fast paced, high-energy team within Barna Recycling. If you love problem solving, scheduling and have a good geographical knowledge of Connaught then you are already halfway there. Add good communication skills, ability to multi-task and admin experience and you are ready to interview.  Duties:·        Scheduling skip collections and deliveries·        Scheduling skip driver workloads for current and next day·        Processing phone and email orders and payments·        Responsible for following up with customers and drivers in respect of drop off and collectionTerms:·        Hours : 37 hours per week·        Permanent contract If interested, then simply apply and start your career with Barna Recycling. 

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