Director of Nursing -St.Peters Nursing Home

St.Peters Nursing Home is a state of the art Nursing Home which is located near Dublin Airport. It is part of Trinity Care, a well-respected, multi-award-winning Nursing Home which is part of the international DomusVi Group. We provide private residential, convalescent, and rehabilitative care in our purpose-built Nursing Homes. We place our residents at the heart of every decision we make and we have centres in Dublin, Meath, Louth, Kildare, Wicklow, Kilkenny, and Cavan.We are currently looking for a Director of Nursing to lead our team and ensure we are offering the best standard of care for our ResidentsThe main duties & responsibilities are as follows:Making sure our Residents receive an excellent standard of care.Compliance in line with Regulations and we strive to exceed the StandardsAssessing the social and health care needs of new clientsOngoing assessment and reviews of all clients.That the occupancy of the home is kept at an efficient level at all times through liaising with the various patient referrers at all tome in conjunction with the Operations Manager.That all aspects of clients care needs are met, providing health supervision and to enlist the services of GPs, Public Health Nurses and other medical and para-medical services as appropriate.The maintaining of the quality of each client’s life by meticulous attention to such areas as privacy, dignity, autonomy, choice, rights and fulfilment.The development social and leisure activities to enhance the quality of client’s lives.That you maintain and improve your own professional knowledge and competence.By teaching and example, training junior members of staff to ensure consistently high standards.That all new members of staff understand the aims and objectives of the Home and receive suitable induction training.Maintaining high standards by seconding staff to suitable recognized training courses.Complying with Staff rotas and to recruit as necessary, with the approval of the CEOTo operate the terms of staff contracts with reference to disciplinary procedures, in the case of minor offences with written and verbal warnings and to keep full written records.To participate in staff meetings and in staff training and development activities.To maintain an awareness of the routines within the Home and review them as appropriate.To ensure that room, common areas and operational areas are properly cleaned, maintained and adequately heated. To ensure that equipment is maintained in good working order.That appropriate dietary and nutritional needs are met.The maintaining of all nursing / care / drug records as required by An Bord Altranais.The control the ordering, storage and administration of drugs for which the Unit has taken responsibility and to maintain the necessary records.The practice maximum integrity in all dealings with clients’ personal affairs avoiding abuse of the privileged relationship with clients.To be responsible for the recruitment and screening of qualified and unqualified care and ancillary staff.  There is an excellent remuneration package which reflects the importance of the role.

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