Director of Nursing - Blackrock Clinic

Department: NursingJob Function: ManagementLocation: Blackrock Health - Blackrock ClinicRole Purpose & BackgroundThe Director of Nursing is a key member of the Management Team at Blackrock Health, Blackrock Clinic. The role holder will demonstrate strong leadership and collaborative skills engaging with colleagues across the hospital in the delivery of safe, high quality patient centred services and outcomes. The Director of Nursing will be responsible for providing strong strategic, professional and clinicalleadership for all aspects of the nursing multidisciplinary team, embracing continuous quality improvement and the change leadership necessary to achieve organisational objectives. The Director of Nursing will be responsible for the financial budgeting, manpower planning, staffing structures, staffing skill mix and for the clinical and operational competence for all the staff in this area. The focus of the role is to improve the patient experience and quality of care throughout the hospital while demonstrating our values of patients first, innovation, excellence, dignity, sustainability, integrity, and collaboration. This role will entail participating in the quality and clinical governance structures of the hospital and in ensuring continued compliance with JCI and other accreditation standards. Blackrock Clinic, part of the Blackrock Health Group is located in south Dublin and, is known for its advanced cardiac, vascular, orthopaedic, spinal, and medical care. The hospital also offers a wide range of services in areas such as oncology, gastroenterology, emergency and acute medicine, and a range of other surgical specialities. Blackrock Clinic is a state-of-the-art hospital providing 170 single-occupancy inpatient rooms,12 ICU beds, 60 day care beds, 9 operating theatres, 3 interventional cardiology labs, a range of endoscopy and minor theatres, together with advanced diagnostic and imaging equipment. There are over 1,100 staff directly employed by the hospital, and in addition there are over 250 consultants practising at Blackrock Clinic, providing access to the latest medical and surgical technologies and techniques. Person Specification- Essential CriteriaKnowledge/ExperienceBe registered in the general division of the register of Nurses maintained by NMBIEducated to Masters Level in either Healthcare/Business or related qualification would be desirableHave at least five years’ experience working in a senior management position in a similar environmentExtensive experience of leading successful change in a patient centred care delivery environmentExperience of delivering high levels of productivity and efficiencyDemonstrates an understanding of financial management and controlExtensive knowledge of organisational management and developmentDemonstrate a track record of positive team engagementSkills/ CompetenciesLeadership & ManagementCommitment to Quality & Risk ManagementPatient CentredResource ManagementStrong communication & interpersonal skillsAbility to manage complex projects and budgetsProblem Solving & Decision makingResults Driven & AccountableDriving InnovationStrategic ThinkingKey ResponsibilitiesOperations Responsible for the effective and efficient delivery of all nursing services, with particular emphasis on quality care, positive patient experience, performance management, and productivity.Ensure the delivery of high-quality standards by collaborating with the quality team in the ongoing promotion of the quality agenda and continued compliance with all accreditation standards.To work closely with the Executive Team on the development and implementation of business continuity and emergency plans.Developing and implementing strategic plans for nursing services that align with the overall goals of the organisation, ensuring that the nursing service operates in a cost-effective manner, and identifying opportunities for improvement.To deliver on recruitment and retention goals in line with the hospital’s People StrategyOversee the development of effective reporting and BI analysis to support strategic decision making.Lead on transformational change to enable the effective delivery of hospital strategy.Proactively engage clinicians in the evolution and development of clinical services to provide best patient outcomes. Leadership Provide leadership and direction to the nursing team, promoting a positive and collaborative working environment and ensuring that staff are motivated, engaged, and supported to achieve organizational goals.Collaborate with executive colleagues on the development of succession planning and talent management strategies within nursing and other areas as required.Promote an environment that is conducive to the development of best practice, enhances staff retention, and promotes open staff communication and engagement.Ensure service delivery models meet best international practices, are commercially viable, efficient, and satisfactory to patients and service users.Promote the development of a culture that staff are accountable, responsible and have authority to practice and manage within their scope of practice or role. FinancialManage the budget portfolio linked to the specific functions within the remit of the role.Accountable for financial performance of the nursing department.To manage staffing requirements e.g. agency spend for all areas within budgeted costsAnalyse financial information to ensure all operations are within budget. Development, Learning & EducationEnsure that nursing staff have access to training, development, and continuing education opportunities, promoting ongoing professional development, and supporting career progression.Take personal responsibility for own professional development and keep up to date with evidence based practice and research. Quality Improvement and Risk ManagementLead the development and ensure compliance with all relevant Blackrock Clinic guidelines, policies, procedures and relevant legislation and regulatory requirements across all services. Encourage a culture of safety, continuous review and evaluation of policies, guidelines and existing practices through regular audit programmes and review, engaging with the multidisciplinary team where required.Promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement, establishing quality improvement programs and initiatives, monitoring and reporting on quality metrics, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory standards.Working with nursing and quality leads to set and monitor core objectives, standards and key performance indicators for the services, and monitor performance against these standards through internal and (where applicable) external audit.Provide clinical nursing leadership in proactively addressing ethical and quality of service issues with multidisciplinary team members and hospital management. This job description is a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received. Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process.

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