Digital Marketing Manager

Our Client, a Canadian IT Consulting company establishing a presence in the Irish market, is seeking to recruit a Digital Marketing Manager to join their growing team.PurposeAs a Digital Marketing Manager, you will be responsible for developing, implementing, and managing our digital marketing strategy. This role requires a creative thinker, strategic planner, and data-driven B2B marketer who can drive results in a fast-paced and evolving digital landscape.Roles and Responsibilities·        Develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies aligned with overall business goals·        Identify and prioritise key digital channels to maximise reach and impact·        Oversee the creation and optimisation of engaging and relevant digital content across various platforms·        Develop and implement social media strategies to increase brand awareness and engagement·        Monitor and analyse social media trends, adjusting strategies accordingly·        Generate unique creative digital content in various formats (videos, animated gif, banners etc.)·        Responsibility for the lead generation strategy·        Implement best marketing practices to develop our database for potential clients·        Lead and execute digital media campaigns (SEM / SEO, Email Marketing and Social Media) to increase web traffic and generate leads·        Implement effective measurement and reporting tools to demonstrate the performance of different marketing activitiesRequirements·        Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or a relevant field·        Minimum of 2 to 4 years relevant experience in a digital marketing position·        Experience creating and executing multiple campaigns with an understanding of the customer journey·        Strong experience in executing and analysing SEO/SEM, display/paid media, social media (LinkedIn, Instagram) and marketing campaigns by email·        Strong expertise in web development project management·        Analytical mindset with proficiency in using analytics tool (e.g. Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc.)·        Google Analytics certification and Google Ads certification

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