Digital Marketing Manager

A five-star career awaits at Carton House! We invite you to begin your next career chapter at Carton House – a storied and dynamic five-star resort destination and the first and only member of the Fairmont Hotel collection in Ireland. Nurturing a working environment built on fairness, inclusivity, and growth for all team members, we deliver the highest standard of service, turning moments into memories for all of our guests.We are currently recruiting a Digital Marketing Manager to join our team at Carton House. This is an excellent opportunity for a marketing professional to take the next step in their career. Key Responsibilities:Maintain and execute the hotel's Digital marketing and E-commerce activities.Brand ambassador for the resortAssist the Commercial Director to ensure all marketing standards are prepared to the highest quality.Manage Hotel's online reputation.Plan and execute all digital marketing activities.Design and order all necessary branded items for the hotel.Brainstorm new and creative growth strategies.Build digital yearly plan and budget for the hotel.The successful candidate will have:Digital Marketing Degree/BSCMinimum 2 years experience in a similar rolePrevious experience in the hospitality industryAbility to multi-task, work well under pressure and use own initiative.Professional written and verbal communication.Flexible in approach to job role and working day.Strong team working skills and able to work efficiently and contribute to a team. Good presentation and influencing skills.Why work for Carton House, A Fairmont Managed Hotel?To be part of Accor’s large global hospitality network. Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor Hotels worldwide.Refer a Friend bonus of €250.Learning and development opportunities. Employee Assistance Programme.Strong team focus and team atmosphere.Meals and uniform are provided.Free parking.Team-building and social events organised throughout the year in line with our successful Awards and Recognition Scheme.Training is provided both on-the-job and through organised training seminars with both internal and external trainers.

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